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Help us build a 2nd school classroom for local kids in Vanuatu by sponsoring a concrete block. 2,000 blocks at $3 each.

  • Thank you for helping us build this classroom!

      22 August 2024
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    Our team completed the classroom in just over 4 days last week and we handed the keys over to the school this past Monday - THANK YOU so much to everyone who has helped us by sponsoring concrete blocks. We still have a few left to sponsor to help cover the final build cost, but as you can see, 100% of what you have donated has gone to build this classroom for these precious kids. We so appreciate each one of you!

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  • Thank You so much - only 836 blocks to go!

      30 July 2024
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    1163 blocks have been sponsored so far leaving 836 left to sponsor at $3 a block. Thank you so much for everyone's kind donations and words of encouragement. Its so appreciated!

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  • Thank you so much for support so far - 763 blocks sponsored leaves 1237 left!

      15 July 2024
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    We are so thankful for your support. In 4 weeks time our team will be starting the classroom build! Here's a photo of the floor being poured last week.

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