Help fund an appeal to prevent the eviction of a family and baby from their home
Collingwood, Tasman
We need help protecting our home by funding a legal appeal. This will help prevent us being evicted. We are a peaceful, rent-paying family with a five month old baby.
We have helped our landlord since 2013 with growing an amazing community initiative in Golden Bay NZ (see links below) and have worked so hard and invested a lot being led to believe that we could 'stay forever' and 'retire' on the land.
The elderly landlord passed away recently and we now need to prevent eviction.
To defend our home will take between $5,000 - $10,000 in court and legal costs.
Please help make a stand for justice.
Visits and stays welcome!
Court fees ($955) and other legal costs.
Update 10 September 2022
After two years of litigation, the charity has finally corrected their land register, which will make it harder for them to continue in their fraudulent activity.
I have offered to repay all their legal cost if they left me in peace
but they have refused this, even though I am still paying rent and
maintenance the land.
I will keep pushing on but it has cost a lot. I have a 600 dollar
High Court bond to pay next week.
Thanks a lot
Thanks, yes that would be common sense. But the trust wants everyone off the land. I speculate this is for fraudulent reasons as the land register is in the name of the trustees, when it should be in the name of the charity.
Thanks, its the thought that counts!