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Stop The Drop!

$3,439 of $80,000 goal
Given by 75 generous donors in around 5 months

We have filed in the High Court to stop the drop of 26 tonnes of brodifacoum laced poison bait in the Brook Valley.

Nelson / Tasman

Our two main objectives are:

1. Stop the drop of aerial poisoning of Brodifacoum in the Brook Valley, Nelson.

2. Overturn the illegal legislation changes made by Nick Smith, Minister for the Environment.

The safety of the public and the environment should not be overlooked and consultation with the community should not be disregarded!

Brook Valley Community Group Inc.'s involvement (page creator)

The Brook Valley Community Group Incorporated (BVCG) has filed papers in the High Court.

We started out simply wanting to prevent the aerial drop of 26.5 tonnes of Brodifacoum poison bait pellets into our watershed. It’s a long story not easily summarized. They think it’s necessary, we think it’s a bad idea.

Just recently, Nick Smith thought it a good idea to trample over seven hundred years of law, back to and including Magna Carta, and pass a new regulation amending the Resource Management Act permitting this proposed poison drop and removing all local input into the decision-making. This affects you, wherever you are, and he can’t be allowed to get away with it.

You might not care too much about our Brook, but we do, and we can be relied upon to put a stop to what is proposed here. When it comes to the broader issue, however, we want you to come to the party. It’ll be you next if we don’t stop this crazy erosion of our democratic processes right now.

We think what we are doing has significance well beyond The Brook, in Nelson.

Use of funds

The funds raised will be used for legal costs which could reach $80,000 and beyond. We have paid our lawyer $1000 for services rendered!​ Some of the court costs have been waived due to being an incorporated society but we are looking at $80,000 - $100,000. Fighting these Resource Management Act changes are for the greater good of all of us in N.Z.

If we do not receive enough donations via this Givealittle page the donations will be used for Stop 1080.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Nov 2017
Dan on 25 Oct 2017
Will help when i can
Kea on 27 Sep 2017
Sue Grey, the BVCG lawyer, defends shooting of KEAS . Sue Grey and the BVCG ...are just a bunch of HYPOCRITES. SHOOT MORE KEA .... real conservationists !!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Sep 2017
The law's an ass. Rats rule OK?
Peter Environment Lover
Peter Environment Lover on 06 Sep 2017
Thank you to all for your tireless efforts. Keep it up, there are many standing with you.

Who's involved?

Brook Valley Community Group Inc.'s avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Brook Valley Community Group Inc. (Group)


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This campaign started on 2 Jul 2017 and ended on 20 Nov 2017.