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Stunt Woman Dayna Grant - Emergency Brain Surgery

on 27 Feb 2022

Sarah asks

Hi Dayna, hope your recovery is going well! My colleague who works with you mentioned that since your surgery ended up being MoH funded you were able to focus more on proper rehab after the surgery. My grandad is recovering from a bleed in the brain and I wondered what rehab you found most beneficial and how much it might cost? Thanks!


Hi Sarah

I hired a HBOT hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber and got sooo much benefit from it that I ended up buying one and still use it every day, I swear by it.

There is a place called cocoon in New Zealand that hire them for approx $300 to $400 per week, to buy a chamber we paid $28,000 and it came from overseas.

A ot of focus on nutrition, Nuzest clean lean products and cold pressed juices.

Also brain exercises and brain breaks, Gary from cocoon set me up with regular rehab brain training.

Hope this helps and sending your grandad all good healing vibes.

Take care

Dayna Grant

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