Support 3-year-old Myles through his journey with Rhabdomyosarcoma

$23,127 of $50,000 goal
Given by 352 generous donors in one year

Lets show Myles, Craig, Joce, Quinn and Dylan they are not alone on this life-changing journey. We love you all, you've got this Mylee


Before the end of March, 3-year-old Myles spent his days playing, going to kindy, learning about the world and living his best little life with his family. By the start of April, he had a devastating diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder. He has a 6cm malignant tumor growing in his pelvis and the location makes it inoperable.

Myles has begun his weekly chemotherapy and will need radiation in the near future. The 6-month-long treatment will leave him infertile and the placement of the tumor means there are multiple structures that may be damaged, which will likely affect him for the rest of his life.

Even though this is a terrifying and life-changing time for Myles, his prognosis is positive and he has an amazing family going through it by his side. Life is looking very different now for Myles' parents Joce and Craig and his big brothers Quinn and Dylan. Joce has just started a new job, and while Craig has a supportive work environment, no-one knows what the next 6 months may hold and how much they will have the capacity to work and keep up financially. There are a multitude of costs involved and any financial help will be greatly appreciated.

Any funds raised by this page will go directly to helping this incredibly special family, to help with expenses related to Mylee's treatment such as petrol, parking, medical supplies and support, and for anything that will help them get through day to day.

We are all here for you Fausett whanau, we love you!

Sarah Pivac's involvement (page creator)

I am their friend Sarah, and this page is made with input and love from friends of the Fausetts; Vanessa, Hannah, Sam, Jody, Dallas and Rob.

Use of funds

Funds raised will pay for expenses directly related to Myles' treatment such as petrol, parking, medical supplies and health care support, and essential living costs for the family that may be difficult to keep up with due to loss of income.

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Merry Christmas πŸŽ… πŸ€ΆπŸŽ„   24 December 2023

Posted by: Craig & Jocelyn Fausett

All i want for christmas is....

For you to know how incredibly grateful our little whanau is for you.

I've said it before and i'll say it again... Your love and support this year is what got us through! We literally could not have done it without you.

We are incredibly fortunate to be where we are right now. Myles's tumor has shrunk considerably from the 80mmΓ—70mmx60mm lump that it was in March to the 8mmx18mmx27mm fragment that it is as of the 5th December. His hair is growing back, he has energy, he's back at daycare. All the childhood things that we took for granted. But the best part? His port was removed on the 13th December which means we are no longer tethered to Auckland. For the first time in 9 months, we don't have to stress about how far we are from a major hospital. This might not seem like a big deal but for an outdoorsy, camping family, this is huuuuuge!!!

Of course, there will always be the worry that it could come back. Because of this risk, Myles still needs 3 monthly MRIs under general anaesthetic. But for now, we are going to enjoy Christmas with our loved ones and a summer of fun in the sun!

Merry Christmas and lots of love from The Fausetts xo

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Latest donations

Savannah on 29 Nov 2023
Hi friends, please accept what help I can give. Myles, I'm leaving my favorite jokes for you, it helps if you read the first out loud. :) What kind of overalls does Mario wear? DENIM denim DENIM What does a cloud wear under his raincoat? His thunderwear!
Craig & Jocelyn Fausett

Love the jokes!!! xo

Craig & Jocelyn Fausett
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Nov 2023
Hang in there little man πŸ’•
Denise on 30 Oct 2023
Sending all our love. Keep fighting Myles
S on 20 Oct 2023
With all the love there is in the world. Get well and I am praying for a miracle or two ❀️
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Sep 2023
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Who's involved?

Sarah Pivac's avatar
Created by Sarah Pivac
Craig & Jocelyn Fausett's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Craig & Jocelyn Fausett on behalf of Myles Fausett
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This campaign started on 19 Apr 2023 and ended on 19 Apr 2024.