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Support 3-year-old Myles through his journey with Rhabdomyosarcoma

  • Merry Christmas πŸŽ… πŸ€ΆπŸŽ„

      24 December 2023
    Posted by: Craig & Jocelyn Fausett
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    All i want for christmas is....

    For you to know how incredibly grateful our little whanau is for you.

    I've said it before and i'll say it again... Your love and support this year is what got us through! We literally could not have done it without you.

    We are incredibly fortunate to be where we are right now. Myles's tumor has shrunk considerably from the 80mmΓ—70mmx60mm lump that it was in March to the 8mmx18mmx27mm fragment that it is as of the 5th December. His hair is growing back, he has energy, he's back at daycare. All the childhood things that we took for granted. But the best part? His port was removed on the 13th December which means we are no longer tethered to Auckland. For the first time in 9 months, we don't have to stress about how far we are from a major hospital. This might not seem like a big deal but for an outdoorsy, camping family, this is huuuuuge!!!

    Of course, there will always be the worry that it could come back. Because of this risk, Myles still needs 3 monthly MRIs under general anaesthetic. But for now, we are going to enjoy Christmas with our loved ones and a summer of fun in the sun!

    Merry Christmas and lots of love from The Fausetts xo

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  • Thank you again!

      20 August 2023
    Posted by: Craig & Jocelyn Fausett

    We also wanted to say thank you again! We read Myles all of your messages and it makes him so happy that he's got all these friends backing him. You guys are awesome xoxoxo

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  • Speed bump

      20 August 2023
    Posted by: Craig & Jocelyn Fausett
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    Morning village!!

    We've had a bit of a setback...

    There has been a mistake with Mylee's treatment plan and he should've been having ifosfamide (2x3hr infusion, every 3 weeks) throughout the entirety of his treatment.

    We missed 2 rounds (4 doses) so were admitted last week for catch-up doses 1 and 2 on the Thurs & Fri.

    What does that mean?

    3 more 3-day admissions, 3 weeks apart. Final chemo done & dusted on 11th October.

    Ifosfamide is the drug that makes him nauseous and lose his hair so it feels like we're going right back to the early days. Especially because his hair was growing back so quickly and he had an appetite again :(

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  • Glow-in-the-dark

      28 June 2023
    Posted by: Craig & Jocelyn Fausett
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    Today marks day 1 of radiation! We are currently sitting in Auckland traffic, crawling towards an 8am appointment. Myles is hungry because he's nil by mouth for the general anaesthetic. Radiation is administered under GA for littles so they can stay perfectly still. We're going to repeat this early morning routine another 32 times 😬

    Thank you all so much for your generous support. Being able to fill the car with petrol and not worry about household expenses while i'm not working brings more relief than you can imagine!

    We πŸ’› our village!!!!!

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  • Goal update

      21 June 2023

    Hi everyone,

    In light of the changing circumstances for Myles and the Faucett family - it’s looking like Myles will need ongoing support for a number of years - I have updated the goal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has donated so far, I know it has made a huge difference to a very stressed and much loved whanau.

    Myles, Joce, Craig, Quinn, Dylan and the extended family are always in my thoughts as they travel along this challenging path, Arohanui.

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  • Happy 4th birthday Myles!!!

      31 May 2023
    Posted by: Craig & Jocelyn Fausett
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    Sunday was Myles's birthday and unfortunately, the point in his cycle where his immunity is at it's lowest. So no party allowed.

    Despite that, we had a big day planned!

    We were discharged from Starship on Sunday morning after sharing cake #1 with our ward friends. Then the fire engine came to visit at home. We had cake #2 with the family, followed by lots of party food :) Myles had an absolute blast!

    Thanks to the generous support we've received, we were able to get him a Nintendo Switch and a few games so he can have a distraction from some of the more unpleasant procedures he has to undergo.

    Sadly, I'm writing this from the isolation room in Starship ED... It seems like the kidney infection is back... We're awaiting a nurse to access his portacath to administer IV fluids and possibly further antibiotics. My biggest concern is that an infection might delay our next round of chemo, which may delay the radiation... Those are questions for tomorrow though. For tonight, it's just about figuring out what is making Myles unwell!

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  • There aren't enough words...

      26 April 2023
    Posted by: Craig & Jocelyn Fausett
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    There aren't enough words to express how grateful and humbled our little family is by the amazing support and generosity of every single one of you!

    This week has been a little bit tough!

    Myles developed a bladder infection which was causing him a lot of pain. So on Sunday night, we had an unplanned admission for IV antibiotics and a catheter change.

    Luckily, the pain has settled now and the infection didn't interfere with starting round 2, which was booked for today.

    The oncology ward is so full that we are tucked away in a procedure room (where they usually do things like blood draws, dressing changes etc.) and there are 6 other families on another ward waiting for their next round of treatment.

    This is absolutely heartbreaking!

    Despite all this, I am so grateful for modern medicine, our health care system, the angels who deliver that care and you, our cheerleaders from afar!

    Thank you, thank you, a million times, thank you πŸ’™πŸ©΅πŸ’›

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