Support for Ethan and his family

$40,794 donated
Given by 398 generous donors in around 7 months

Let’s help support Dom and Adam so they can focus their energy and time with Ethan, helping him fight his battle with cancer.


Ethan is my nephew, and is the best big brother to Scarlett his little sister and great cousin to my 2 kids.

On Christmas Eve, Ethan and his parents world turned upside down and into a living nightmare as out of nowhere he was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer.

For the near future Dom and Adam will need to focus more of their energy on being with Ethan and Scarlett. They are currently away from home staying at Ronald McDonald house so they are close to Starship while Ethan starts his chemo, but hoping to get home between cycles.

I would love for them not to have to worry about taking leave from work and reduced income and extra expenses - any support is greatly appreciated x

Nicola O’meara's involvement (page creator)

I am Dominique’s sister, Ethan’s Auntie

Use of funds

This money will help cover everyday costs while they are living away from home and unable to work, food, petrol, items that can help take Ethan’s mind off things, kennel for Evie etc

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Latest update

July update  19 July 2023

It has been a while since I have posted an update but there has been a lot going on!

Mid May, Ethan and Dom came up to start his daily radiation sessions, based in Auckland for almost 6 weeks, it was hard being away from the rest of the family who were still in Papamoa and were able to come up a couple of times for weekend visits.

Towards the end of June Ethan completed his radiation and his ‘big’ chemo like a true legend, never really complaining despite all the appointments and side effects it was having, we even managed a fun day out to celebrate the end of his radiation treatment with his 7yo cousin!

On their return home, Dom and Ethan were welcomed home to Papamoa by a massive street parade (organised by some amazing locals), with all of his friends and even the Police and Fire Brigade were there – showing him he really is a super hero!

They were able to stay at home for a few weeks until this week, when they were back in Auckland for scans and understanding what’s next in terms of treatment. The official report is still due in but it seems to be moving in the right direction.

They were back home today, and Ethan will now be on maintenance chemo which can be taken orally, so fingers crossed no more visits to Auckland (unless it is for visiting us!) and monthly check-ins at Tauranga hospital. The new drug he is on has shown good results to the aggressive subtype that he has, so lets all keep our fingers crossed it wipes this f***er out!

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Latest donations

Linsey on 13 Jul 2023
Thinking of your family and hope treatment is going well
Natalie on 16 May 2023
You are a warrior Ethan! I believe in you. Much love and aloha, Aunty Natalie
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Apr 2023
Fit Mama
Fit Mama on 21 Apr 2023
Go Ethan! You’re a champion!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Mar 2023
Best wishes for Ethan and his family

Who's involved?

Nicola O’meara's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nicola O’meara on behalf of Dominique Sims and family
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This campaign started on 29 Dec 2022 and ended on 31 Jul 2023.