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Support for Ethan and his family

  • July update

      19 July 2023

    It has been a while since I have posted an update but there has been a lot going on!

    Mid May, Ethan and Dom came up to start his daily radiation sessions, based in Auckland for almost 6 weeks, it was hard being away from the rest of the family who were still in Papamoa and were able to come up a couple of times for weekend visits.

    Towards the end of June Ethan completed his radiation and his ‘big’ chemo like a true legend, never really complaining despite all the appointments and side effects it was having, we even managed a fun day out to celebrate the end of his radiation treatment with his 7yo cousin!

    On their return home, Dom and Ethan were welcomed home to Papamoa by a massive street parade (organised by some amazing locals), with all of his friends and even the Police and Fire Brigade were there – showing him he really is a super hero!

    They were able to stay at home for a few weeks until this week, when they were back in Auckland for scans and understanding what’s next in terms of treatment. The official report is still due in but it seems to be moving in the right direction.

    They were back home today, and Ethan will now be on maintenance chemo which can be taken orally, so fingers crossed no more visits to Auckland (unless it is for visiting us!) and monthly check-ins at Tauranga hospital. The new drug he is on has shown good results to the aggressive subtype that he has, so lets all keep our fingers crossed it wipes this f***er out!

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  • Round 6 of chemo and getting ready for radiation

      18 April 2023

    Hi everyone, just to let you know I have re-opened the page as have a couple of people who wanted to support and havn't yet had the opportunity.

    Also a quick update today. Last week Ethan was able to celebrate his 9th birthday with a few friends in a special private screening at the local Papamoa cinema - he hasn't been able to go to the movies (or anywhere in indoor public setting really) since his diagnosis and treatment began!

    On Sunday Ethan and his mum were back up in Auckland. On Monday morning he had his radiation planning appointment which involved 2 hours of lying still while they set up his scans and created a mould for him to lie in - to ensure he stays still each radiation session. His radiation starts in May and there is 28 sessions! Then on Tuesday he had his 6th round of chemo, marking 2/3rds of the way through his current chemo plan.


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  • Ethan turns 9!

      11 March 2023

    Today was an extra special day for Ethan as he turned 9! And best of all he got to spend it at home x

    He got home on Thursday after 17 nights in hospital due to an infection at one of his kidney tube sites and having to have a couple of courses of antibiotics. The last 11 nights were up at starship and Ronald mcdonald house and the good news is is the imaging shows that the chemo is doing what it should be and helping Ethan kick cancers ass! He has now completed 4 rounds of his chemo (still a long way to go) and was able to have his kidney drains removed so he is now tube free (apart from his feeding tube) making it so much easier for him to move around.

    All things considering he had a great birthday, and a special thanks to the Kindness Collective for the most amazing present and also the cake detective for the most amazing Jurassic park cake! You guys made Ethan’s day x

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  • At home x

      3 February 2023

    Hi Everyone - just a quick update to say Ethan was able to go home after his last Chemo cycle last week. It has been so good for him to be able to be in the comfort of his own home, not stuck in a room where every time someone walked in he thought he was going to get prodded.

    It also means they are together as a family again, and Dom and Adam don't have to tag team on staying at the hospital overnight.

    Ethan has felt more comfortable to be a bit more mobile at home which is great, he is tired and has his good days and not so good days, but has bee enjoying doing some Lego and drawing.

    He will be back up to Auckland for his chemo cycles for a few nights every 3 weeks, but in between should be able to spend most of the time at home.

    He is a trooper!

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  • 3 weeks on

      15 January 2023

    Ethan has been in starship now for 3 weeks and has been in the oncology ward since he received his first cycle of chemo 2 weeks ago. This means he hasn’t been able to have any visitors apart from his mum and dad who are by his bedside 24/7 and the occasional visit from nana to allow a quick break for Dom and Adam.

    He has had a few complications since being admitted, but it looks like those are slowly being overcome which is great, and has had his first few mouthfuls of food in two weeks the day before yesterday and has managed to get out of bed on his own.

    Cancer sucks, but in this awful situation the most amazing of friends and family and people we have never met have been so supportive x

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  • Thank you x

      31 December 2022

    Hi everyone - Dom and Adam have been overwhelmed with everyone’s support and kind words, it has taken the immediate pressure off returning to work. They thank you all from the bottom of their hearts. They have been reading the messages to Ethan to show all the support he has and everyone rallying behind him to fight this battle.

    Thank you x

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