Support For Greg and Family

$28,845 donated
Given by 374 generous donors in around 6 months

Any money kindly donated will be used to support Julie and family as they grieve the loss of their loving husband and father.


As some of you may have heard, Greg had a tragic accident on Stewart Island last Friday. He was choppered to Dunedin Hospital and underwent immediate surgery. After we received the worst possible news from the doctors on Saturday evening, we were preparing to say goodbye. But in typical Greg fashion, he has proved the doctors wrong and shown us all he wants to fight. He is currently in the ICU at Dunedin Hospital and we are preparing for the long haul.

We have already had a massive outpouring of support from people who love Greg and want to help. This Givealittle page has been created to support Julie and the rest of the family as they prepare to set up camp here in Dunedin for the foreseeable future.

We will keep you all updated on Greg's progress through his Facebook page, and we ask that any questions or messages please be sent to Casey or Peta.

We as a family are already overwhelmed by love and support we have received for Greg, we ask that you keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he goes through this healing journey ❤️

Julie, Casey, Peta and Antony

Astrid Sutherland's involvement (page creator)

Greg is my uncle ☺️

Use of funds

Accommodation, food and travel expenses. Future ongoing costs that may arise

Latest update

Update  6 December 2020

Posted by: Casey Murphy

Unfortunately, earlier this week Greg's condition took a turn for the worse. At 8.39pm on Saturday 5th December 2020, Greg left this earth, surrounded by his loving family.

Our hero then went on to have organ donation surgery, and has given parts of himself to save a number of other lives. Although we cannot have him with us, he will live on in these people through the immeasurable gift he has passed on.

Our family can not express enough the gratitude we have for the incredible love and support for Greg we have received throughout these past two weeks. And, the messages of hope and encouragement that were read to him at his bedside. Greg was so loved, and we are so thankful.

Thank you all ❤️

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Latest donations

Trudy on 18 Dec 2020
Thinking of you all & sending love x
Dave on 17 Dec 2020
Henry on 14 Dec 2020
I hope this helps u in some way
Christchurch CPT
Christchurch CPT on 14 Dec 2020
Thinking of you all. Take care. Kia Kaha
Joey on 13 Dec 2020

Who's involved?

Astrid Sutherland's avatar
Created by Astrid Sutherland
Casey Murphy's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Casey Murphy on behalf of Greg and family
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This campaign started on 23 Nov 2020 and ended on 23 May 2021.