With great sadness, our dear Hannah just passed away. She wasn't able to survive the severe brain injuries from the crash.
Hannah is a Filipina student that took a chance for a better life in New Zealand. She started out as a working student in Auckland. She then decided to move to Christchurch for better opportunities. Within less than a month tragedy struck when a car hit few pedestrians in an intersection in Christchurch, Hannah is now in a critical condition in Christchurch hospital. She does not have any family here, all she had was her friends here in Auckland. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12122339
Update : We recently found out that ACC may be covering the medical costs for Hannah. This means that the funds will go towards helping the family for any other costs.
Update : 15/09/2018 3:14am from Hannah’s Brother:
With great sadness, our dear Hannah just passed away. She wasn't able to survive the severe brain injuries from the crash. Still, our family believes that she is at peace now with the Lord.
The overwhelming love and support from all of her friends, classmates, colleagues, relatives and concerned people around the world comforted us in this very difficult time. We deeply appreciate every little help, prayers and your presence. We are still amazed by how each and every one of you really valued Hannah.
We are in the process of arranging her repatriation. We will update once we have the final details.
UPDATE : 17/09/2018 from Karl (Hannah’s Brother)
We are really grateful to everyone who supported us in this challenging time. You're kindness will help cover for our family's stay in NZ from the day we arrive until Hannah is repatriated hopefully by end of the week. We would also like to thank Hannah's school KITE for looking after the airline tickets for my mother and little sister from Philippines to New Zealand.
Regarding Hannah's remains, we are currently waiting for paper work from the funeral director so that we can start the repatriation process which will be looked after by ACC and Hannahh's insurance from Christchurch New Zealand to the Airport in the Philippines, we are yet to know the costs of taking Hannah from the Airport going home. We will update when we find out more.
Update: 18/09/2018 - from Hannah’s brother Karl
The funds will be used for the transport of hannah’s remains from NAIA (Manila) airport to the funeral homes, funeral service and burial. It will also be used by the family to pay for her student loans that helped her study in NZ. Hannah’s repatriation from Christchurch to NAIA Manila Airport is being looked after by insurance and ACC combined. Hannah will be repatriated leaving Christchurch on Friday 21st of September 2018.
Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness
Hannah is a good friend of mine that just recently moved here in New Zealand. She is a kind and passionate girl and we are absolutely devastated that this has happened to her. The funds will help her family's expenses coming here in New Zealand to be with her. She is currently alone in New Zealand. It is costly to bring her mother here in New Zealand and we also currently do not know if how much the rest of the bills will cost. Update: Hannah's mother and sister were able to come to New Zealand today. They are currently spending time with Hannah in the hospital and will give more updates later on. Thank you for all your support.
Update : 15/09/2018 - please read the above information.
Originally funds were to be used for Hannah's treatment and to help her Mother come to NZ. Update on 15/09/2018 - Funds will be used to help the family and the rest of the costs.
September 26 2018 - from Hannah’s Family 26 September 2018
Hannah's burial today was sad and painful but we, the family, is at peace that she is now in a better place with the Lord. No more pain and tears, only joy and comfort. As her journey ends here, we are immensely grateful to all of you who has shown kindness and compassion. We won't be able to get through this without your support. Your prayers are very powerful as it covered our family with comforting peace and hope. Though we'll surely miss Hannah, our memories of her will include the warmth of your hugs, every tear we shed together and the sincere encouragement from your visits, calls and messages. We really thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of our hearts. God bless you a hundred fold!
*we will be closing the page today, thank you so much for all the kindness you have shown. It is very much appreciated*