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Support for Lorraine and her young Family

  • Quick Update From Lorraine

      21 December 2020
    Posted by: Lorraine and Anthony Burger
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    Hi everyone,

    A very brief update just to let you know how I am doing: My mom and stepdad is here to support us with everything. They completed their 2 weeks in managed isolation and we are so grateful to have them with us.

    After the operation I had a terribly flu which was a big set-back. But finally, it feels like I am starting to recover.

    Anthony and I are grabbing a hold of more opportunities, like swimming in ice cold water! Who wants to join? :-)

    There will be follow up scans and more of those things in the new year, but for now, we are just enjoying the family time and thankful to God for His goodness and grace for us.

    A massive thank you to each of you: Thank you for those who have been giving frozen meals, those who helped to clean our home, those who helped with laundry, those who texted, those who sent parcels in the post, those who prayed, those who gave financially, those who encouraged and loved on us. We have truly appreciated each one of you. May God bless you.

    Have a lovely festive season.

    Love and regards,


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  • Lorraine's time of waiting and recovering

      1 December 2020
    Posted by: Lorraine and Anthony Burger
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    A big 'thank you' to every single one who has been part of our journey- who has walked alongside us and supported us in all the different ways - big or small. We are truly grateful.

    Lorraine has been at home for two weeks, recovering from the operation. The surgical team removed abdominal wall, stomach muscles and nerves for the bigger part of Lorraine's stomach. This area has been reconstructed with mesh and thus Lorraine is not allowed to pick up anything heavy (including Lydia).

    We are still waiting to get details from the surgical team regarding the next steps and the histology of the tumour. In the meantime, Lorraine has heard from the specialist nurse that she might not need radiation/chemo as there might be clean margins after the operation (we are waiting for confirmation of this). It will mean follow up scans and so forth. It is also possible that our baby, Lydia, would need to undergo some testing as it seems like they think the tumour could have started during pregnancy. We still have a lot of questions but am focussing on recovery at this point in time.

    Lorraine's parents got a critical visa and a place in managed isolation. They will be with us from the end of this week to help support us with Lydia. Lorraine has unfortunately also gotten a cold which is adding strain on her body and recovery but we remain hopeful.

    We can honestly say it has been one of the most difficult times in our lives, but by God's grace and compassion, we are still here and continuing with every day life.

    Once again, thank YOU for being part of a miracle for us on this journey. Thank you for sowing into our cause and supporting us. We are praying that your seed will bear much fruit.

    Anthony, Lorraine & Lydia

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