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Support for Mackenzie on her Journey to recovery

$15,911 donated
Given by 212 generous donors in 7 weeks

Raising money to support 6 year old Mackenzie with her ongoing rehab and recovery from an auto immune disorder


In late January, Mackenzie, over the space of 2 hours, lost her ability to walk, talk or control any movements. This happened very suddenly as she went from being a normal 6 yr old girl, running around with her little brother and sister, and enjoying time at the beach to being unable to move or communicate.

She had an MRI in Whangarei hospital which showed swelling of/around her spinal cord - she didn't recover well from the general anaesthetic so she earnt herself a midnight chopper ride to Starship intensive care, after 3 days in PICU where she progressively got worse, unable to move voluntarily and having painful spasms.

All the results from her lumbar puncture, bloods and CT are completely normal.

There is still no clear diagnosis for her yet- but it looks like an autoimmune condition. Potentially a mixture of Guillain-Barré syndrome, Miller Fisher syndrome, Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis and Transverse Myelitis. Doctors are still running further tests in the hope to make a diagnosis

Mackenzie has had all the treatments for the above conditions (IVIG and IV Prednisone) and is on loads of meds to keep her comfy.

Mackenzie is now on the neurology ward at Starship and will be there for a few more weeks by the sounds. So far the suggested plan is when she is medically stable enough, she will be discharged to the Wilson rehab facility in Auckland, for a few months, if not more.

For now its about keeping her comfortable and starting her rehab journey (Physio, Occupational therapy and Speech Language therapy). She needs to learn how to talk, eat, move and walk again once she has the strength.

Mackenzie is an absolute trooper and is able to smile, laugh and cry and she understands 100% but she cannot communicate back to us.

It’s going to be a long journey to recovery for our Mackenzie, and we appreciate all the love and support for this brave little lady!

Mackenzie is the much loved daughter of Rochelle and Chance, and a great big sister to Finn (4) and Marlow (2). They are all being super strong for Mackenzie. She is super loved, but there are going to be ongoing costs with Mackenzie's recovery when she eventually gets home, and I hope to raise some money to put towards this, and to help their beautiful family of five.

Karla Frost's involvement (page creator)

Auntie to Mackenzie, Sister/In-law to Rochelle and Chance

Use of funds

Any funds raised will be used to help Mackenzie on her journey by going towards her rehab, ongoing care, support, and equipment.

Latest update

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4 weeks in   26 February 2020

Update from Rochelle- 4 weeks since we first presented to hospital - a period of time that I seriously thought would never happen to me - appreciating all the long hours and hard work the nurses and doctors put in and the relationships u build with complete strangers. The people’s shoulders you cry on and the people that can make you tear up just by looking at you.

Last week Mackenzie went down hill again, uncomfortable and spasmy at night mostly with minimal sleep for everybody. She has had some more IVIG on Friday and Saturday which is just starting to kick in and she is much more comfortable again - she can have IVIG every 2-3 weeks if she plateaus or gets worse.

Some days are harder than others but the smile just keeps us positive and pushing forward 🥰

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Dylan on 06 Mar 2020
Christine on 29 Feb 2020
Hey so sorry to hear the news thoughts and prayers going out to you guys and your awesome family.
Louise Campbell
Louise Campbell on 29 Feb 2020
Our thoughts are with u and wishing you well during this trialing time. Take care and praying for a speedy recovery xx
Aaron & Alisia Carter
Aaron & Alisia Carter on 27 Feb 2020
We hope you have a speedy recovery Mackenzie
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Feb 2020

Who's involved?

Karla Frost's avatar
Created by Karla Frost
Rochelle Frost's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Rochelle Frost on behalf of Mackenzie Campbell
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This campaign started on 7 Feb 2020 and ended on 31 Mar 2020.