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Support for Sera-Jae and her 2 boys

  • Final update

      9 January 2023

    FINAL UP DATE for Sera-Jae Johnston 9th Jan ❤️❤️❤️

    Just letting everybody know Sarah is now at home in Dargaville with her parents to continue her journey of recovery. She still has a long way to go but is in good spirits and progressing well . The Immediate family would like to thank family, friends and the community for pulling together when things werent looking so great, all the prayers and well-wishes and the generous donations which will help go towards Sera's recovery....With all the love,care and support it means the world to us. You guys have been amazing. Thank you and love to you all. Love from all of us, have a happy new year 🥰 and love each other more xx

    Athol & Audrey Johnston

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  • 6th January 2023

      6 January 2023

    Quick up date on Sera-Jae Johnston from her parents 6th Jan

    she has been back on a ward in Whangarei hospital and recovering well still has a road a head of her with some healing that will take time but she’s doing amazingly well

    Thank you everyone ❤️❤️❤️😘

    Athol & Audrey Johnston

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  • 29th December 2022

      6 January 2023

    Hi everyone just a quick UPDATE from Audrey ( Seras mum) for Sera-Jae Johnston 29 Dec 🛑🛑

    Sarah is doing amazingly well she has intermittent confusion and some limb uncoordination but is totally stable so they are choppering her back to Whangarei ICU for her to continue progressing and rehab today thank you.

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  • Its a Christmas miracle

      27 December 2022


    Sera-Jae Johnston 27th Dec ❤️❤️

    Sarah is doing well 48hrs ago she was being transfused with blood and rounds of dialysis, had a bronchoscopy etc. They then started a 24 hour reduction of her sedation to slowly bring her around and removal of her life support. Today she is responsive to us and has stabilised!

    It has been a Christmas miracle ❤️ we are on the up and up and its lovely to see her awake and trying to talk she is a bit dazed and confused but she’s here .. it will be a long recovery for Sera. There has been lots of ups and downs and still more to come.

    She is still in Auckland Hospital ICU ward.

    We want to thank you all for your continuous support with all the love and care you have shown, help and offers. Sera has a long road ahead of her... you all have been truly amazing with your prayers ,sending healing and positive thinking out to the universe, long distance reiki and generous donations ❤️❤️❤️

    We thank you all so very much and again love you all xx❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  • Thank You

      24 December 2022

    Thank you all for your generous donation. This will help relieve some of pressure off the family at this very challenging time- every single donation is

    Very much appreciated by the family💜

    UPDATE From Sera's mum Audrey -

    Sera is still holding her own. Her observations have improved. She is still on life support but her consultant and team are happy with where she's at, at the moment, but need to continue to be very cautious. Thank-you ❤️

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  • Thank-You

      21 December 2022
    Main image

    Thank you all very much for you donations. The family is blown away by everyone's generosity, prays, well wishes and offers of meals etc. Update on Sera - she is still in an induced coma on life support, but is holding her own. She is fighting this fight real hard. Family are still at her bedside.

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