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Support Jet's Recovery - precious feline furbaby mauled by dogs

  • From JumboJet to JetStar

      4 August 2024
    Posted by: Debra Burr

    A small update from Jet. He is doing well and has sustained his 1kg drop in weight, but is eating and drinking and lots of sleeping inbetween. He has been confined to a big pop-up pen, but has room to move around, and is situated next to his own heater. He's back in tomorrow (Monday) for his regular visit; and then again on Thursday to have his jaw wire removed (yipee) and to close an open wound in his tummy. The vet purposefully left this open, so he's back in for, hopefully, his final dose of surgery - this has been incorporated into his previous costs - and all thanks to your contributions. We will update you again after Thursday. He is comfy, his bedding is changed daily and he is purring. Hopefully he only has to be confined in his pen for another couple of weeks, and then we will slowly reintroduce him to his beloved home surroundings and his favourite sleeping spots. Sending you all again our thanks - Deb, Jet(Star), Sammy and Family (including Cosmo who is very keen to have his mate back out and about).

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  • More emergency surgery for Jet

      14 July 2024
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    Unfortunately, another big bill for Deb and Jet.

    Jet went back to the vet this week for a revisit. Jet has had a few short-term bouts of normalcy being back to his happy JetStar self, but overall he has been quite lethargic and depressed. Despite two different kinds of daily antibiotics, the vet discovered a burst abscess on his tummy. They kept Jet in the clinic with the intention of draining his abscess, but while they were performing an ultrasound to check the extent of the abscess they identified widespread infection and dead tissue all the way from his tummy to his groin. They had to open Jet up again and painstakingly remove all the dead and infected tissue, as well as the entirety of his stomach fat pad due to the damage it had sustained. The surgeon sutured multiple drains into his abdomen. Jet's recovery has had a massive set back, but he is already looking so much happier! (The attached photo doesn't reflect this - he is not excited about his new collar...!) He is back to the vet tomorrow for another check. We have upped the donation goal as the last round of surgery cost over $2,300. Jet is so lucky to have such a doting owner who just adores him and couldn't imagine life without him, and we are all so grateful for your support.

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  • Vet Revisit - 01.07.24

      1 July 2024
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    Jet went back to the vet to see the surgeon today. Unfortunately he has developed a fever from infection despite daily antibiotic injections. His appetite has decreased and he has been pretty miserable today. It is extremely important that he keeps his food intake up (when cats stop eating they are at risk of developing pancreatitis, and he is only able to have certain medication on a full stomach). He has been given a second kind of antibiotic that he will need to have daily, and Deb needs to syringe-feed him multiple times a day until he is eating on his own again. He will be back at the clinic for a temperature check tomorrow.

    The good news is that Jet's bruising has decreased a lot, and his wired jaw is holding really well. He will need to have the wire in for another 4-6 weeks. Jet is putting up with all his prodding and jabs like a little champion.

    The vet suspects that the source of the infection is in his hind end. Feline skin moves quite a lot, which means that when they are wounded (e.g. by a dog bite) a lot of damage can be caused underneath the skin that we can't see as tears occur. So while some Jet's wounds may not look too severe superficially, we can't see all the muscular damage underneath. We need to keep a really close eye on him - if his infection doesn't reduce in 24 hours he will likely need to be rehospitilised and put on an IV drip.

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  • Initial Assessment

      1 July 2024
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    Jet's initial assessment by the emergency vet was that he sustained multiple superficial and internal wounds, including a fractured jaw. He iwas hospitalized immediately, anaesthetised, stabilised, and then radiographed to check the extent of the damage. Thankfully the dogs missed Jet's main internal organs. His wounds were then sutured, and his jaw was wired. He requires antibiotcs, pain relief and anti-inflammatories for several days while his recovery is assessed. Deb is working from home for the next week so that she can monitor him through the day.

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