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Support Simon & family

  • Happy New Year and thanks to all :-)

      5 January 2021
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    Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you all had a great festive season :-)

    This page will close in a few days and I wanted to say thanks again to all those that have donated to Simon and family. We spent a few days with them and they are truly appreciative to everyone and have expressed how this has really helped.

    Simon's operation to insert the catheter for dialysis is later this month and I want to wish him, Lis and family all the very best for the coming weeks/months/year, always in my thoughts guys xo

    Cheers and Happy 2021!

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  • Update

      5 November 2020

    Thanks to everyone who has donated so far, Simon and Lisa are overwhelmed with the support & kind words, please keep sharing the link to your social media accounts as every little bit helps!

    Just a quick update....There are a number of people looking in to being a kidney donor for Simon, this would give him a much better quality of life although he will still need to start dialysis for about a year before having the transplant.

    Wishing Simon all the best for a good outcome, our thoughts are with you and your family, love ya lots xo

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  • Vodafone Warriors, you rock!

      19 October 2020

    You made one of your fans very very happy, thanks heaps Vodafone Warriors!

    Knowing Simon was an avid fan of the Warriors my husband contacted them to see if they could brighten up his day somehow, this video was the outcome xo

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  • Thanks for sharing Grant Kereama! :-)

      15 October 2020

    My husband contacted Grant Kereama to share this page with his followers on Facebook as we felt this was a cause close to his heart (or kidney for that matter.....) xo Thanks so much to everyone for all of your support :-)

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  • Update

      8 October 2020

    Hi everyone,

    Just to let you know Simon went and saw his specialist yesterday which they thought would be to get the date for his surgery. This surgery was for the catheter insertion into his abdomen (in order for him to start dialysis) however there was some positive news that his kidney function has stabilised for now. Apparently stabilised means between 15% - 8% and under 8% is of concern. They believe that it may remain stabilised until early next year so have postponed the surgery until then.

    I have updated the end date for this page until early new year so the money is there for when the surgery does go ahead and Simon is unable to work. They really appreciate all your support and are overwhelmed by the response.

    Kind regards,


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  • Beyond Grateful

      4 October 2020
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    Caught up with Simon, Lisa & their gorg kids this weekend which was awesome, there were lots of laughs and a few tears..... They are taking everything in their stride in spite of what they are facing.

    They are so grateful and humbled by all your kind words, messages of support, people that have reached out/got in touch and all the generous donations. They are grateful beyond words.

    Thank you so much everyone for your support, those that know these beautiful people know that they'd be the first to take the shirt off their own backs if needed.

    Please share this link to your own social media if you can, every little bit helps.

    Thanks again xo

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