Support the two girls daddy left behind.

$21,026 of $50,000 goal
Given by 381 generous donors in 6 weeks

Vaishakh was killed in a car crash, leaving his wife widowed and leaving behind his 2 gorgeous girls.


Here's my story, it's a lot easier than Komal's story.

I met Komal through work at Spark. We didn't share the same teams or managers, just the same floors. Soon we were taking breaks together and formed a very good friendship. Since then we moved buildings and cities and recently weren’t so much in touch. Until last Monday, Komal shared on Facebook how she lost somebody 3 months ago. She had her family photo on that post, while I'm reading, I kept asking why she would put a photo of her family on a post like that, while trying to figure out who she had lost. It torn my heart to realize she had lost her husband in a car accident while on a holiday to India. The post said something that will be a burden on my heart for a very long time and I quote "...I got the phone call about the accident; having to tell Avikkutty (her 6 year old) that we were not going to India to surprise papa but to say our final goodbye. That was the toughest and worst moment of my life"

Vaishakh Nambiar, who was also my colleague, died in a car accident. The car fell off the cliff to a gorge, his body was not found for 3 days. She said goodbye to him, thinking she'll be joining him later for holidays in India, but she could never see him again. When he was found, the body was in a condition that they couldn't wait. This is something we read in the news, but this was happening to my friend and I had no clue. He died 3 months ago, I wasn't there for her, I had no clue. She always told me she doesn't like to ask for help, but not even me I thought? My friend is now left with a 6 and a 1 year old. Nothing can replace a dad, a husband or a son. But if you could, just even a dollar or two, donate for my darling friend, it'll mean the world to her. She needs support, her two girls need support. Please share and raise as much as you can.

Link about the accident:

Amnah Sahi's involvement (page creator)

I am Komal's friend

Use of funds

This money will help Komal support her daughters with day to day expenses and to save up for their future studies and needs.

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Thank you for Avi and Annika  28 December 2019

To all the donors,

Komal has asked me to close the page quite a few times but I decided to keep it going for as long as I could.

She then called me 2 days ago and said, Amnah, whatever we got is sufficient for me. I’ll be fine. I have seen so many other pages on givealittle, people who are dying, who are sick, sick kids...I’m in a lot better place than them. Whatever we have collected is more than I ever expected.

So on her repeated insistence I closed the page. Thank you so much for your support, donations and plenty of well wishes.

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Latest donations

Nuwan on 26 Dec 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Dec 2019
lance on 16 Dec 2019
Keep ticking along Spark staff, every dollar is going to help.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Dec 2019
Harsh and Mitali
Harsh and Mitali on 04 Dec 2019

Who's involved?

Amnah Sahi's avatar
Created by Amnah Sahi
Komal Surendran's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Komal Surendran
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This campaign started on 9 Nov 2019 and ended on 27 Dec 2019.