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Support Ash and Brownie


      20 March 2015

    Its now time to do a page update on wee Riley...

    So if things weren't already stressful enough for poor Ash and Brownie of constant uncontrolled seizures continuing now that they are home from Dunedin, they have since found out terrible heart breaking news that Riley has in fact been diagnosed with a genetic syndrome in which he won't survive. They don't know how long they have left with him weather it be just 1 year or just 3 years MAX. They are hoping to be able to take a year or so off work but still have on going bills and mortgages etc like us all. So please get behind this incredibly strong and amazing family and help them spend every precious moments with their beautiful wee boy.

    Many many thanks in advance to you all that has/will and are going to donate. It is all hugely appreciated.

      1 comment  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 23/04/2015 by Sam Bartels

      Hi, please let Ash and Brownie know that there is a NZ FB group for parents of kids with metabolic conditions.

