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Help support Dan with his recovery from his shattered OE.

  • Additional.

      2 May 2016

    Please be advised that the NZ Herald published an article without speaking to anyone. They have retracted their information off this page and due to not reaching out, they have failed to mention that Dan's medical bills have been covered under Britain's National Health Service; which was noted in the article written by stuff and daily mail australia because they spoke with the couple directly.

    This page was set up to support them while he is focusing on his rehabilitation.

    Life still goes on even during hardships, bills still flow in, work life pressures still shadow you and financial commitments truck along in the background.

    Neither of these guys ever ask for hand outs or support, it was me, a worried sister from the other side of the world who set this page up. I set this up, because I care about them and want to make sure they are okay! There's only so much one can do from the other side of the world in a different time zone. The reality is, their dreams of travel have come to a halt at this time. Ash travels 2.5 hours to be by his bedside. They are both incredibly strong and brave and people need to realise that accidents happen. An accident never defines who someone is. It just becomes part of their story, a lesson learned and an experience to grow from and teaches strength and courage.

    The last thing these two need is hurtful, judgmental comments while they are trying to focus on the positives every day.

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  • Thank You

      26 April 2016

    Thank you all for the kind words, support and donations made for Ash and Dan so far. They have been overwhelmed by the level of kindness and support they have been receiving. It really is appreciated, so a massive thank you to you all xx

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