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Supporting Cara Cameron through her cancer fight

  • Update on Cara

      6 September 2021
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    Hi Everyone,

    We can't quite believe that it has been 6 months since Cara's diagnosis - 6 months of grueling treatment and 6 months of Cara continuing to show everyone how much of a bad ass she is. Thank you to everyone for continuing to check in and showing support and love to Cara and our families over these last few months - it's always felt and always appreciated.

    Amongst the fun of New Zealand moving into a tight lockdown, Cara had a CT scan to understand how things are tracking after another 3 months of intensive treatment. I'm pleased to share that there has been additional shrinkage and no growth (hooray!), showing that her treatment is still proving effective. The road ahead is 4 more months of both chemotherapy & cetuximab and then another CT scan. Cara is super positive but the reality of continued treatment is side effects become tougher and tougher on the body. There are hard days but there is never a day without lols and smiles from our girl.

    In July, alongside her husband James, our Mum Dee, and friend Evan, Cara took another big step and decided to shave her head. The gang look great, and Cara, blessed with a beautifully shaped head looks as gorgeous as ever.

    I want to give a big shout out to Cara and anyone who is going through a similar situation amongst the lockdown restrictions in Auckland. It takes a huge emotional toll not being able to have a support person with you in hospital when you are receiving treatment and has been yet another test of her resilience. Cara - you are the epitome of strength and you make your family and friends so proud every day. Keep fighting the good fight sweetie, we all got you.

    Loren xx

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  • Update on Cara

      10 June 2021
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    Hi everyone,

    It's been just over 3 months since Cara's diagnosis.

    She's trooped through 8 rounds of chemo and 7 rounds of cetuximab and, despite there being some nasty side effects - continues to power through with a smile on her face. I think we all feel like we've aged 10 years in these past 3 months but Cara continues to keep everyone's spirits high with her unrelentingly positive attitude.

    It was an anxious week of waiting last week as Cara had her 3 month CT scan which essentially gave a full picture on what exactly is going on in her body, after 12 weeks of intensive treatment. We are happy to share positive news in that Cara has had significant shrinkage on both her liver and bowel growths and there has been no further spread in her body.

    While we are reminded that this is just the start of the journey, we are encouraged and over the moon to see some positive results for our lady. She will continue on with chemo & cetuximab and have another CT scan in 3 months. We will keep this group of lovely family, friends and kind strangers in the loop as we continue onwards and upwards.

    Will be sure to shake Cara up a Pina Colada tonight to celebrate some happy news.

    Lots of love,


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  • Update on Cara

      15 April 2021
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    Hi everyone,

    What a month it has been! We've had a quiz night, half marathon, an upcoming harbour swim, rugby jerseys, cricket jerseys, movie night and our ridiculously talented Cousins busking on the North Shore- all in an effort to fundraise for our lady, Cara. To all of the amazing people who have spent time organising and participating in these amazing events - we are blown away and hope that we could rise to the occasion as you guys have, if it was ever needed. We were also so excited this week to learn that Cara won a 5 night hotel stay at QT Hotel in Wellington, organised by Bowel Cancer NZ, donated by a generous anonymous donor.

    Over to Cara. This week she is underway with her 4th round of chemo and 3rd round of the unfunded drug, Cetuximab. We are in awe of her strength and resilience and this message a kind stranger left on a post of Cara's, really resonates and reflects her attitude:

    "She who has a “Why” can bear any “How” with Cancer, that’s as true as it gets".

    Cara has had some positive news from her doctor this week - without getting into technical terms, Cara's tumor markers (essentially a marker found in tissues that are elevated by the presence of cancer) have gone down (they were very high when she was diagnosed) which is a small indication that her current treatment is the right one for her and is working. We won't know exactly what is happening until a CT scan in May - but for now, we take it week by week, and this week feels a little brighter for us.

    How do we say thank you to the 850+ people that have donated through this page, plus the many more that have shown up to support through all the other fundraising avenues? I'm not sure. It is beyond humbling and on the harder days, provides a huge boost and reminder of how loved Cara, James, and our families are. We will never stop saying it - thank you.

    All our love


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  • Update on Cara

      22 March 2021
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    Hi everyone,

    To say the last couple of weeks have been overwhelming would be an understatement. We have been absolutely blown away by the support, donations, messages, flowers, meals, wheat bag(s) and care packages from friends, family and kind strangers.

    This page has left us speechless and serves as a reminder of how loved Cara is! The Cameron and Bolton family wish they could give every single person a huge hug and thank them personally for their support - please know that every message has been read and felt.

    Now to the important part - an update on our girl Cara! She has just finished her second round of chemotherapy over the weekend and today, starts her first round of the unfunded treatment Cetuximab - this drug will look to target and shrink her tumors. She'll be doing this treatment every 2 weeks, alongside her chemotherapy. It's a lot for her to handle but she is strong, positive and as beautiful as always <3.

    We will keep you posted in a few weeks time on how everything is going but for now, from the bottom of our hearts - thank you. This page has given everyone a boost, and provided some much needed relief in a very difficult time. There are some amazing humans out there!

    Loren xxx

    (picture is of Cara today, looking like a real sweetie, receiving her cetuximab!)

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