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Supporting Cara Cameron through her cancer fight

$108,061 donated
Given by 916 generous donors in around 9 months

Supporting Cara through every avenue possible in her battle against cancer.


Our wonderful, sister, wife, daughter and friend, Cara, was given earth shattering news on Monday 1 March, when, completely unexpectedly, she was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer that has unfortunately spread to her liver.

Anyone who knows Cara, knows her as an energizer bunny, lover of life, adventure seeker and an all round amazing person. This news is devastating for all that know her, least of all for Cara and her husband James, who only a year ago were married and looking forward to all the adventures life has to offer.

Things have moved unbelievably quickly - Cara was diagnosed on Monday and she had her first session of chemotherapy on Thursday. While she is going through the public system for chemo, and the diagnosis is incurable, there are unfunded treatments that are more targeted toward her bowel cancer and we will be exploring absolutely every avenue possible to ensure our girl lives the life she is meant to lead.

Cara is not the type of person to ask for help - she's tough, stubborn and independent but she needs her village around her now, supporting her every step of the way. Whether its a dollar or a message of support, it would mean so much to us all.

If you have any questions or want to send messages of support please email: cameronfundraiser28@gmail.com

Big love

Loren Bolton's involvement (page creator)

For those that don't know me, I'm Cara's sister and best friend. Born 18 months apart and always by her side. Thank you for all of the support x

Use of funds

Cara needs to focus all of her energy on her treatment which means putting a pause on work for a undetermined amount of time. This fight will cost money and we want to remove as much financial burden as possible.

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Update on Cara  6 September 2021

Hi Everyone,

We can't quite believe that it has been 6 months since Cara's diagnosis - 6 months of grueling treatment and 6 months of Cara continuing to show everyone how much of a bad ass she is. Thank you to everyone for continuing to check in and showing support and love to Cara and our families over these last few months - it's always felt and always appreciated.

Amongst the fun of New Zealand moving into a tight lockdown, Cara had a CT scan to understand how things are tracking after another 3 months of intensive treatment. I'm pleased to share that there has been additional shrinkage and no growth (hooray!), showing that her treatment is still proving effective. The road ahead is 4 more months of both chemotherapy & cetuximab and then another CT scan. Cara is super positive but the reality of continued treatment is side effects become tougher and tougher on the body. There are hard days but there is never a day without lols and smiles from our girl.

In July, alongside her husband James, our Mum Dee, and friend Evan, Cara took another big step and decided to shave her head. The gang look great, and Cara, blessed with a beautifully shaped head looks as gorgeous as ever.

I want to give a big shout out to Cara and anyone who is going through a similar situation amongst the lockdown restrictions in Auckland. It takes a huge emotional toll not being able to have a support person with you in hospital when you are receiving treatment and has been yet another test of her resilience. Cara - you are the epitome of strength and you make your family and friends so proud every day. Keep fighting the good fight sweetie, we all got you.

Loren xx

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Latest donations

Rachel on 28 Nov 2021
The Helping Hand Foundation
The Helping Hand Foundation on 25 Nov 2021
Wishing you all the support as you battle through this tough time!
Cass on 09 Oct 2021    Run Great Barrier for Cara
Well done Ryan, such a great way to support Cara, lots of love ❤️
Maddy & Conor
Maddy & Conor on 09 Oct 2021    Run Great Barrier for Cara
Big ups Ryan! Absolute legend!!!!
India on 09 Oct 2021    Run Great Barrier for Cara
Smash it Ryan! Love India, Harrison and Olive

Who's involved?

Loren Bolton's avatar
Created by Loren Bolton
Cara Cameron's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Cara Cameron
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This campaign started on 7 Mar 2021 and ended on 5 Dec 2021.