Supporting James & his family

$4,370 donated
Given by 79 generous donors in 26 days

Funds raised are for the ongoing support for 5yr old James & his family on this devistating journey.


Update 4/7/2018

James passed away in his Mother’s arms Sunday 6th May 2018.


5 year James has been fighting the biggest fight of his life since June 2016. He has beaten all the odds to date when it comes to this debilitating life limiting neurological condition which appeared in hislife just after he was 3.

There is no name, it closely resembles Motor Neurone Disease/SMA1 & SCA1 and it’s horrendous yet you’d never know that from James as he never complains.

James is now in Palliative care at home with his family (Mum, Dad & 2 brothers) beside him. In the coming year the family will need counselling support (this is not funded by anyone and his very costly), financial support to pay the mortgage and bills allowing James Dad & whole family to spend precious moments with James while they can.

We also have funeral expenses approaching us. We have funds to cover this from previous fundraisers ( but we want to celebrate James with a party all children deserve. This will be no traditional send off and we dearly ask for your help to make this happen when the time comes.

Before James became sick we were a 2 income family who had just purchased our house. Your donations are so much appreciated it’s to truly acknowledge how much they help xxx

We have had and still have the most amazing supporters in this devastating journey and thank you all for your continued support.

Use of funds

Funds will be used for ongoing support for counselling, mortgage, bills & extra funeral expenses. Funds raised and not required should this happen will go to Wellington Children’s Hospital Play Room Equipment.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 May 2018
I have no words
Natalia Waldman
Natalia Waldman on 12 May 2018
Danielle and family
Danielle and family on 12 May 2018
Sending you love and strength ❤️
Jennie on 11 May 2018
All the best
Emma on 11 May 2018
Sending love.

Who's involved?

Nicola Swan's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nicola Swan
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This campaign started on 22 Apr 2018 and ended on 18 May 2018.