Supporting legal changes and clarity for tiny homes to provide affordable accommodation

$5,580 of $90,000 goal
Given by 52 generous donors in 5 weeks

Supporting legal changes for tiny houses to provide affordable accommodation

Tasman, Tasman District

Three years ago, I was welcomed by the Schaeffner family to stay on their property in my tiny home. During a challenging period in my life, I found refuge and encouragement with them. Unfortunately the selfless and caring family of five is now experiencing difficulties due to an ongoing dispute with local authorities. The family at risk of losing their home through no fault of their own.

The Schaeffner's are currently engaged in a legal battle to protect their rights and to support not only my stay on their land, but also the broader tiny house community. Their efforts aim to ease regulations for individuals embracing this lifestyle choice. This will help to address the current housing crisis and support businesses providing affordable housing solutions.

The objective is to raise funds to provide financial aid for their current legal bills.

Anyone wanting to know more about their story you can go to :

We are extremely grateful for your support, every little bit counts. Thank you!

Marianne Vetterli's involvement (page creator)

A tiny home owner wanting to stay on the Schaeffner's property where I have been welcomed and feel safe and supported while maintaining my independence.

Use of funds

All legal fees already incurred and counting

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Fresh fm interview with Christin Schaeffner   17 September 2024

Dear all

Please listen to this interview on Fresh FM, where Christin, one of the landowners, shares the entire story with great clarity.

The current ruling poses serious consequences for those striving to lead simpler lives and foster communities centered on sustainable living.

Christin and Mathias Schaeffner's appeal to help secure a future for tiny home residents is now in process.

Please share if you know anyone who might benefit from a positive outcome in this matter, or for more on the story go to :

Many thanks and warm regards

Mariana Vetterli

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Ekaterina 5 days ago
Councils gone rogue. You guys are trail blazers for a lot of us. It will take time to drain the swamps. Thank you for your perseverance and commitment!
Marianne Vetterli

Hi Ekaterina Thank you for your donation and support 🙏 good things take time! Yes!

Marianne Vetterli
Veronika 5 days ago
unbelievable, it seems councils these days making life difficult for many rather then supporting communities, how can they sleep at night ?
Marianne Vetterli

Hi Veronika, thank you so much for your donation and supportive words. It really helps to move forward with our plight, knowing the community is behind us!

Marianne Vetterli
Marian & Basil
Marian & Basil 5 days ago
Councils need to remember that we elected them
Marianne Vetterli

Hi Marian and Basil, many thanks for the donation and supportive words. We do much appreciate it 🙏

Marianne Vetterli
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 6 days ago
Full support to this important cause. Good luck!
Marianne Vetterli

Hi there, thank you for your donation we are so grateful 🙏

Marianne Vetterli
Brooke on 10 Sep 2024
Stick it to them!! We should all have the opportunity to share our land with others in need provided we don't negatively impact the environment.
Marianne Vetterli

Hi Brooke, thanks alot, we appreciate your support in this!

Marianne Vetterli

Who's involved?

Marianne Vetterli's avatar
Created by Marianne Vetterli
Mathias and Christin Schaeffner's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Mathias and Christin Schaeffner
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This campaign started on 13 Aug 2024 and ends on 30 Sep 2024.