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Supporting legal changes and clarity for tiny homes to provide affordable accommodation

  • Fresh fm interview with Christin Schaeffner

      17 September 2024
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    Dear all

    Please listen to this interview on Fresh FM, where Christin, one of the landowners, shares the entire story with great clarity.

    The current ruling poses serious consequences for those striving to lead simpler lives and foster communities centered on sustainable living.

    Christin and Mathias Schaeffner's appeal to help secure a future for tiny home residents is now in process.

    Please share if you know anyone who might benefit from a positive outcome in this matter, or for more on the story go to :

    Many thanks and warm regards

    Mariana Vetterli

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  • Update on the Application to Stay During Appeal Proceedings

      14 September 2024
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    I am thrilled and relieved to share that the High Court has approved my application to remain on the property living in my tiny home throughout the appeal proceedings.

    The stress of needing to find a new place to live or risking homelessness was incredibly daunting.

    Yesterday, I received the wonderful news that I can continue living here while the Court processes are underway. Although this may take some time, it allows me to take a breath and gives me the invaluable gift of time. It truly feels like a small victory on the journey toward achieving justice.

    Photo below is of my custom made leadlight window in the tiny home.

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  • Gratitude and Update on proceedings

      31 August 2024

    From the Schaeffner family:

    We are truly grateful for your generous donation, and your kindness has touched us deeply. Currently, we are facing a busy period due to upcoming court deadlines that must be met. We have submitted an appeal to the High Court and requested a stay on the enforcement order until a decision is made. This legal process is ongoing, leaving us with approximately two weeks to comply with the order. Finding a new place for Marianne is challenging, especially in the expensive and rapidly growing housing market of the Tasman Region.

    Furthermore, the Tasman District Council has submitted a substantial costs application to the Environment Court, which we must respond to by next Wednesday. We are diligently preparing our response. The support we have received from amazing individuals like you gives us the strength to navigate through these challenges. We are deeply thankful for your encouragement and unwavering support on this journey.

    Warm regards,


    To read more about their story, go to

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  • Update on donations

      23 August 2024

    Thank you ever so much for your generosity and help the Schaeffner family.

    They are extremely grateful and send their love and gratitude 🙏

    Our current donation status is $ 4060 and growing steadily.

    With this money they can pay some of their bills, which is a great relief to them.

    We keeping going sharing far and wide.

    More updates soon

    Kind wishes


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