Supporting Ruth through stage 4 bowel cancer

$58,743 donated
Given by 358 generous donors in 11 weeks

Support page for mother diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer.


In March 2024 our beloved sister Ruth Mitchener was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, which has metastasised to her liver and lungs.

Ruth is only 40 years old, lives on the Kapiti coast with her husband Andrew and their two young children, aged 9 and 6. Her diagnosis has come as a total shock, and we are all reeling with shock.

Ruth has undergone numerous invasive procedures, and is now on a journey through gruelling chemotherapy treatments every fortnight in Wellington for the next 5 months.

While completing treatment Ruth is unable to work, or even transport herself to the hospital. Ruth had just won a scholarship to start a PhD in Industrial Design, however this sudden diagnosis has meant she has now had to put this on hold. Her husband Andrew has significantly reduced his workload to part time hours to focus on caring for Ruth, as well as for the children and home.

Your support will go to keeping a roof over their heads and your help will keep food on the table, provide childcare when Ruth is in treatment, transport to hospital, and will help Ruth to spend as much precious time with her children and family as possible.

We are holding our breath waiting for the results from Ruth’s next scan, which will determine further treatment and prognosis.

It is difficult for Ruth to ask for help. She means the world to us, but to her little kids she is the whole world, and she wants nothing more than a future with her family, so thank you in advance for your love and support.

Lilian Sumner Gilbert's involvement (page creator)


Use of funds

Funds go directly to Ruth and Andrew, no-strings attached, to be spent on food, bill payments, and transport from Raumati to Wellington Hospital.

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Latest update

CT results update  30 May 2024

Posted by: Ruth Mitchener

Thank you so much to everyone for your incredible generosity, we are all very overwhelmed by the immense love and support!

Update 30/5/24: Ruth has had the results from the latest CT scan (to see if the current chemotherapy treatment is working) the scan however showed the cancer has grown a bit more since the last scan in March so next week Ruth will be starting a different chemotherapy treatment, which will hopefully do the trick, if not, the next course of action will be some unfunded drugs.

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Latest donations

RJ & PG 5 days ago
Trust that our donation can help everyone
Jarrod, Caryn & JPW team
Jarrod, Caryn & JPW team on 15 Jul 2024
Always in our thoughts.
Lilian Sumner Gilbert

Truly appreciated, thank you! 🤍

Lilian Sumner Gilbert
Noa on 13 Jul 2024
Lilian Sumner Gilbert

Thank you so much ❤️

Lilian Sumner Gilbert
N & J
N & J on 06 Jul 2024
Dear Ruth and whānau, While it is completely up to you how you choose to use this koha, we would love for you to use it for mini break together, to do something wonderful and memorable, if you are still feeling up to it, Ruth. We'll miss you while we're away, but you'll be in our thoughts. Arohanui, the Attwoods xx
Lilian Sumner Gilbert

So kind. Thank you! ❤️

Lilian Sumner Gilbert
L&G on 04 Jul 2024
It’s not much but hope it helps a little.
Lilian Sumner Gilbert

It is so appreciated, thank you ❤️

Lilian Sumner Gilbert

Who's involved?

Lilian Sumner Gilbert's avatar
Created by Lilian Sumner Gilbert
Ruth Mitchener's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Ruth Mitchener
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This campaign started on 7 May 2024 and ends on 7 Nov 2024.