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Supporting Ruth through stage 4 bowel cancer

  • Supporting Ruth through stage 4 bowel cancer - update

      14 August 2024

    We are incredibly grateful for your donations so far! It has been incredible and heartwarming to feel such generosity. Your support has covered our living costs for many months, easing the financial pressure and allowing us to focus on Ruth's health.

    Last week, Ruth received results from a second scan. While we're thankful the cancer growth has slowed, there is still enough growth that our oncologist has recommended she begin private treatment. Unfortunately, the cost is huge because the necessary drugs, Cetuximab and Encorafenib, aren't funded in New Zealand.

    To cover the treatment expenses, we need to raise an additional $72,000, bringing our total goal to $133,000. We are hopeful that we can reach this goal and ensure Ruth gets the care she needs. We are so thankful for every bit of support, big and small.

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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  • CT results update

      30 May 2024
    Posted by: Ruth Mitchener

    Thank you so much to everyone for your incredible generosity, we are all very overwhelmed by the immense love and support!

    Update 30/5/24: Ruth has had the results from the latest CT scan (to see if the current chemotherapy treatment is working) the scan however showed the cancer has grown a bit more since the last scan in March so next week Ruth will be starting a different chemotherapy treatment, which will hopefully do the trick, if not, the next course of action will be some unfunded drugs.

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