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Taken For A Ride Again

on 4 Aug 2020

Robbie asks

This is a serious question and proposal to the page owner please don't withhold this message.

Hi have you joined ACC action group there are a lot of us but nobody seems serious enough about getting their papers into a timeline for a lawyer to peruse. The aim is to take a class action for negligence which is a criminal claim, then go for damages under the ACC act.

Taken for A Ride Again

Project stalled due to high production costs, lack of buy in (thanks to all who did donate, we managed to make a real professional teaser but that was it sadly :( )

I am now completely out of the ACC political debate and hav no intentio of being drawn back in.

Since we were aimimg at thisdoco, specifically over MC issues the govt changed, ACC uped their gamein MC support, rebates have been put in place and much of ourlevy fee's chaelled into MC specific projects that sit better with the riding public.

I have no axe left to grind at present.

All the best with your court cases.

Remember this the issue is not ACC its the govt behind them and the policies foisted upon the ACC staff by greed and self interst.

Taken for A Ride Again
on 14 Oct 2015

Greg asks

Who is the producer?

This is important to potential donors.

Taken for A Ride Again

David Ironside, a professional author, composer producer and editor.

Taken for A Ride Again

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