The End is the Beginning. A whole new life to Create.

$16,395 donated
Given by 218 generous donors in 12 weeks

My sister and her family, and my 17yr old niece have left Gloriavale and have a huge burden to completely set up their new lives.


My sister and her husband along with their five young children have just made the brave decision to leave Gloriavale. In addition my 17 yr old niece has also just left.

They have all left with very minimal belongings, but a whole lot of courage.

Going from an extremely controlling environment where they have not had access to their own bank accounts, to having to make a host of decisions for themselves and their children on the daily.

There are financial, mental and emotional costs involved in leaving Gloriavale and I want to help lighten their load in anyway I can.

Anything raised will go to supporting them in their daunting, new life.

Rosanna Overcomer's involvement (page creator)

I am the older sister and an auntie, I left Gloriavale nearly 9 years ago with my family so understand first hand just how hard this journey is.

Use of funds

Any money raised will go towards anything from household items, counselling, a vehicle, future school fees or rent payments. Any amount will be such a huge blessing, as will take the stress off financial worries.

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Latest update

Thankyou!   6 March 2022

On my behalf of my sisters family, I would like to thank all you incredible people for donating here.

I am truly blown away by the care, love, the encouraging and sweet comments. It is all received with the utmost gratitude and appreciation! Thankyou!!

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Mar 2022
We live in a beautiful world and your future has just become brighter. Sending love xx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Mar 2022
Sending love, hugs and very best wishes X
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Mar 2022
Much love to your brave family
Rosanna Overcomer


Rosanna Overcomer
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Mar 2022
Good luck in your new life
Marise & Marty
Marise & Marty on 26 Feb 2022
Such a courageous thing to do... leave everything you have ever known. We wish your family all the best for your new journey.
Rosanna Overcomer

Hugely appreciated, Thankyou!

Rosanna Overcomer

Who's involved?

Rosanna Overcomer's avatar
Created by Rosanna Overcomer
Pearl Valor's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Pearl Valor on behalf of My sister, her husband, their five young children and my 17 yr old niece.
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This campaign started on 15 Dec 2021 and ended on 10 Mar 2022.