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The Inspired Guide - FREE Monthly Digital Publication

  • Thank You!

      12 January 2021
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    The Inspired Guide is taking a break - but ALL 18 editions will continue being readily available to anyone, anywhere in the world to Be Inspired by! The information is timeless and still relevant in years to come - treat it like your own personal library of insightful wisdom and creative inspiration and return to it often - each magazine is infused with the essence of all involved in that edition.

    Some stats:

    - Editions: 18 (2019-2020)

    - Articles: 600+

    - Reads (1.7.19-31.12.20): 13,000+

    You can read each edition on the website in full on the READ page or search the authors, artists and articles on the SEARCH page - or scroll through each category.

    I would like to thank all the contributors, followers, advertisers, donations and readers for their love and support over the last 1.5 years and 18 editions as The Inspired Guide was birthed, grew and evolved - reaching people all over the world at a time when self-love, conscious living, mindfulness, self-empowerment and inspiration was needed most.

    Maybe I was ahead of my time, or maybe it was only ever meant to reach the ones it did; maybe I was meant to create this web of connection, compassion and love across the world with the readers and contributors - who knows... all I know is that I have loved almost every minute of creating this divinely inspired magazine and connecting with people all over the Earth and that now it is time to transition into something else... what that is, I do not know yet.


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