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Support A Festival of People Power and Tribunal hearings into 1080. March 18th - 22nd 2020

on 19 Sep 2019

golde asks

I am a staunch ANTI 1080 advocate. As a non NZ resident, I have probably done more to alert the international community about the horrors of 1080 than anyone, (other than my angling partner)....thru ( receiving over 15,000 views. I have watched your testimony, as well as Sue Grey's, and am impressed with how you both have presented the issue. My concern is why you would want to raise a lot of $$ to present something that has already been tried (a hikoi, etc).The message getting out INTERNATIONALLY is the most important issue. It has already been tried on the national level, with much resistance from the NZ government and media. Apathy within NZ is also a huge factor,and I believe this is due to the confusion of false information being disseminated by the gov. agencies (DoC, Forest & Bird, etc). What will affect NZ the most is hitting them in the "pocketbook, the wallet".....and this can only be done by alerting international markets, ie overseas anglers, selling of dairy products, honey and meat products, and TOURISM. It seems as if this event will not target those entities. You would only be "preaching to the choir" so to speak....and the NZ gov. has the power to screw with everyone. And there are those who are very dubious about the ITNJ (with some good reason)...Why not use their power to get the message out INTERNATIONALLY.....and not spend a bunch of $$ to create this "festival" seems it could create more "disharmony"...and not accomplish spreading the message to the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY. Just saying. If you read the link I will see....I am pulling for you. All the best of luck, I really mean it.

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