The Victims of Volcanic eruption Nyiragongo in the Noth Kivu D.R.C (Congo).

$1,192 donated
Given by 21 generous donors in 13 weeks

Help us to help the survivors of Nyiragongo Volcano eruption in the Congo to get back on their feet.


On the 22 of May, Mount Nyiragongo erupted and lead many families in the town of Goma situated in the Noth Kivu D.R.C Congo with nothing other than ashes and rocks.

The catastrophic event left many people displaced and with no shelter or clean water. Many survivors including women and children were affected. They are facing many hardships and find it very hard to get back on their feet.

As the friends and family of people living Goma, with a kind heart we would like your support in helping the family and survivors of the eruption.

Please give a little so that we can aid the people of Goma with food, water, hygiene necessity kits, medicine and psychological support.

Thank you.

Women of Hope Wakeup and Help Ourselves (W.H.H.O)'s involvement (page creator)

We are the friends, family, bother and sisters of people living in Goma, Congo. We belong to the group W.H.O.O established in 2015 which is based in Auckland.

Use of funds

To buy food, medicine, clothing, blankets and other hygiene necessities such as hygienic pads for women. Goods will be distributed in Goma by a friend, Rebecca, alongside a local organisation “Riseup in action pour meillere condition de vie”.

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Latest update

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Final update   22 February 2022

Once again, thank you all for your generosity. "A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles" The aid given was able to support many families in the town of Goma where many affected by the volcanic eruption. In those families we helped, 18 of them were able to create a small business to sustain themselves. Thank you for your kindness.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Aug 2021
Praying for everyone affected ❤️
Sahar on 17 Aug 2021
Kiriataahua on 08 Aug 2021
Ka nui te aroha
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Aug 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Aug 2021
Lema, you and your group's support in Ranui and DRC is inspirational. All the best

Who's involved?

Women of Hope Wakeup and Help Ourselves (W.H.H.O)'s avatar
Created by Women of Hope Wakeup and Help Ourselves (W.H.H.O) (Group)
Amani Shabantu's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Amani Shabantu on behalf of The victims of Volcanic eruption Nyiragongo in the North Kivu DRC (Congo).
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This campaign started on 12 Jul 2021 and ended on 12 Oct 2021.