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The Victims of Volcanic eruption Nyiragongo in the Noth Kivu D.R.C (Congo).

  • Final update

      22 February 2022
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    Once again, thank you all for your generosity. "A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles" The aid given was able to support many families in the town of Goma where many affected by the volcanic eruption. In those families we helped, 18 of them were able to create a small business to sustain themselves. Thank you for your kindness.

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  • Thanks a million for all your help

      11 December 2021
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    On behalf of the victims of the Nyiragongo volcanic eruption that took place on the 22 of May 2021, Women of Hope wake up and Help Ourselves 'W.H.H.O', would like to say a big thank you to people with good will and Givealittle NZ organisation for their act of generosity and be able to help the women, men and children who were affects with the unfortunate events of eruption. With thanks, the fund transmitted to each member raised a socio-economic level of the victims who lost their homes and who were in hardship to resume their normal life. Families were able to have food on their table, pay medical cares and some where able to start a small business for ongoing sustainability. Families in the DRC Congo in town of Goma remained active with open hearts and are appreciate the glorious help that reached them. May God bless you all and bless New Zealand.

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