The Wicks Kids Need a Break

$30 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 8 weeks

We are asking people to help donate to make this a holiday that they will never forget.

Bay of Plenty


These are the Wicks Kids, and over the past few years things have been pretty tough for them all health wise.

Youngest Lani had a motorbike accident on Christmas Day resulting in a broken foot and a badly burnt leg. She is a dancer so this was very hard over the summer months to not be able to join in with swimming and dancing. She still has problems today with her foot from the break.

Middle child and only boy Dane suffers from myoclonic epilepsy. This was diagnosed when he was 2 years old and he has to be a medication everyday to stop any seizures. His seizures are like little shock like jerks and can last between 5 seconds to 5 minutes. He says it is like someone turning his light switch off. This has caused his learning to suffer and has needed extra help from tutors etc at school.

Oldest child Zoe has had the roughest time of late. She has been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.

This is an autoimmune disease and it is not cure able. She has had to undergo some pretty major treatment. Not many people could do what she has done and we are so proud of her. She had to have a liquid diet of only water and this special controlled meal replacement drink for the past 6 1/2 weeks. She did it!! And now we are slowly introducing food back into her routine. We have a long road ahead on us to help Zoe with understanding and recognising her triggers.

So I (their mum) feel like these awesome, amazing kids need a break from all the hospitals and everything they have all been through - so their dad and I would like to take them to the Gold Coast in January 2020 for a nice weeks holiday. We would love it for our children to be able to be kids for a week and not worry about all the other stuff that has been going on. The support of donors would just help make this the best holiday ever for them.

The funds will help towards paying for airfares (for 5) and activities while in the Gold Coast. If we don't meet our target we will still try and get the kids to the Gold Coast.

If there are any funds left over we would love to donate these to camp Purple which is a camp for children who have Crohn's disease.

Katrina Wicks' involvement (page creator)

I am their mum and they are all under 16 so legally I am the guardian to help with this :-)

Use of funds

To help pay for airfares and activities while in the Gold Coast.

If there are any funds left over we would love to donate these to camp Purple which is a camp for children who have Crohn's disease.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Aug 2019
Happy holiday
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Aug 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Aug 2019
Hope you guys have a fun time

Who's involved?

Katrina Wicks's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Katrina Wicks on behalf of The Wicks Kids
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This campaign started on 1 Aug 2019 and ended on 2 Oct 2019.