Help Muhammad's Uncle Muhammad get of Syria and begin a new life away from the worries of war.
As most of you reading this will already know we are lucky to be living in safety. Muhammad's immediate family and a lot of the extended family have managed to escape the fighting in Syria and get to safe places. We continue to be grateful that so many of us are away from the war.
Muhammad has an uncle who is also called Muhammad. Uncle Muhammad and his wife and kids are living with his parents and siblings at the moment because their own home is in an area too dangerous to go to let alone live in. Uncle Muhammad doesn't even know if his home has survived the constant heavy bombardment of his Aleppo suburb.
We would love to be able to see him, his wife and his six kids get out of Syria. At the moment we just want to get them to Turkey were they can return to normal life. With six kids this will be neither easy nor cheap. We are hoping to raise enough money that they can get out of Syria and establish themselves in an apartment.
These kids are the second cousins of my own kids and I would love to help them have the same opportunities as what Omar and Yusuf are blessed with.
The Kattan kids 17 December 2016
As many of you already know Turkey didn't turn out to be a good long term solution for the Kattan family but it did provide the stepping stone as it has for many Syrians desperate to flee war. The family are now accepted as refugees in Germany and the kids will have access to education and housing that would have been a bit more of a challenge in Turkey. To all who donated- thanks for making a difference. You have changed the world.