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Three Fingers for Freedom - Support Myanmar

  • End of year update and thank you's

      30 December 2021

    Kia ora, hello, to our friends (old and new!) in New Zealand and abroad.

    It’s been an immeasurably difficult year for many, I hope you’ve got your feet up somewhere, and enjoying some peace and quiet with loved ones before ’22 kicks in.

    This is long overdue really but we want to send a quick update to sign off the year on a positive note, and so that people are aware of where their generous donations have been distributed, and so you understand the impact that your donation(s) has had in Myanmar.

    Firstly, we are still so blown away and grateful for your support of Myanmar and our fundraiser. In addition to the 143 people who gave so generously to our Givealittle page, we were also thrilled to receive additional funding outside of this fundraising window, all of which brought our tally to approx. $45,000.

    Your generosity supported the following:

    - Large amounts towards medical products and services across Myanmar - vaccinations, food, operating and birthing tables, malaria and anti-malaria support, surgical and birthing instruments, sanitary products, blankets and clothes, mobile medical units and transport costs

    - One young man’s emergency operation costs to reattach two limbs after being shelled by the military

    - Basic salary, food and bedding, sanitary and medical provisions for people participating in the civil disobedience movement

    - Shelter, dry food and cooking goods, sanitary products, diapers, anti-malarials and antibiotics, and medical and cleaning kits for internally displaced persons (IDP) camps

    - Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), COVID-19 tests, isolation sheeting for COVID-19 management.

    In addition to your generous donations, we cannot fully state how significant your advocacy has been for those in Myanmar. Sadly, people of Myanmar continue to face immense challenges and an uncertain future. Horrifying massacres, missing persons, significant economic hardships amidst acute economic instability, institutional breakdown, and staggering COVID numbers continue, to name a few. If you wish to better understand the issues, or to donate again, please do check out what the good people over on are donating to. Similarly, Myanmar chef and author Mi Mi Aye has put together a list of petitions and other simple actions to support the cause, at

    Ngā mihi nui, thank you again. We’re so grateful for your support. Happiest of holiday wishes to you all.

    R and H x

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  • On track to hit our target + a link to a recent CNN TV interview we all need to watch

      15 April 2021
    Main image

    I’m delighted that we're on track to hit our target of $15,000, with just $2500 to go! Of course there’s no reason to stop there and should we overshoot the mark that would be even better!

    We're hugely grateful to the kiwi community and friends abroad for all your kind words of support and generous donations. If you're following and been meaning to donate - please, now's the time!

    I'm sure you're all keeping an eye on what's happening in Myanmar but, as days go by, media outlets in New Zealand and abroad are slowly turning their attention elsewhere. Therefore, it's up to all of us to ensure that the voices of those in Myanmar, many of whom are in great danger sharing their stories with the rest of the world, are heard, amplified and supported.

    We can all do our little bit by: continuing to talk about the atrocities in Myanmar with friends and whānau, showing up to local fundraisers (for those of you in Auckland this weekend, please go feast on delicious Myanmar food and support this great cause:, share this fundraising page and, where you can, donate. I have said this several times over but I want to say it again - every dollar really does make a splash in Myanmar, and can be the difference as to whether the non-violent civil disobedience movement is a success.

    With that, I want to leave you all with a link to a punchy, heart-breaking (albeit controversial but I'll leave that for one-on-one discussions!) TV report that the CNN released earlier in the week. It's the first, and will possibly be the only, interview that Myanmar's brutal military have approved to date. An important watch.

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  • Kicking goals

      2 April 2021

    You people are awesome and we're absolutely delighted to be closing in on our $10k goal. As we have a few weeks left, I think we can stretch this a little further out.

    Please keep getting behind those in Myanmar! The non-violent civil disobedience movement is proving to be really impactful - the New York Times has reported a reduction of up to 90% of work activities in the public sector. Of course, we need to keep food on their tables, and that's exactly what this page is supporting.

    Sadly, ambulance and funeral services are finding it more and more difficult to operate and operate safely. Lets give them a funding leg up so they can at least access the materials that they require.

    We have a few weeks to go so please keep discussing with friends and whānau, sharing the link, donating!

    Finally, I'm including a TED link for those who would like to learn more about how non-violent civil disobedience movements work and whether it really is an effective tool for overthrowing authoritarian or faux regimes. This is a short and sweet video but so worth the watch. Enjoy!

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