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Three legged Rottweiler to be...

$2,064 of $3,000 goal
Given by 69 generous donors in one year

Norman (7months) has a birth defect to his front right leg and now needs to be amputated


This wee baby Norman.

A fighter from day dot. He was born dead. Stuck in his mother's birth canal. Norman's mother was rushed to the vets where the vet had to pull Norm out and do mouth to mouth resuscitation. As the Vet pulled Norman out, his front right leg was impacted instantly resulting in it not growing correctly causing deformation, his leg is now 6cm shorter than his left. This has had a huge impact on Norman and his Mum Jamie. It is also causing all the trouble Norman is having with his leg. Norman has had splints to try and help his leg from just a week old, they helped, but not enough.

Norman is still a puppy only 7months old and he has already missed out on too much puppy fun, like going to the beach or river, playing fetch and normal daily walks which every puppy needs.

Norman went to the vets for Xrays today.

We have been given two options

1. Try and save Norman's leg resulting in surgery after surgery costing well over Tens of thousands of dollars which may not even benefit him or

2. Amputation.

As sad as the whole process will be. Norman will be having his leg amputated next week. Being a rottweiler and having his front leg amputated this will be a major journey for Norman and Jamie as dogs carry 70% of their weight on their front legs and Norm is going to be a big strong boy currently weighing 41kgs at 7 months old.

Jamie and Normy are about to go through this huge and scary, yet beautiful transformation.

I feel we can all do our part by banding together and donating whatever we feel to such a beautiful Norm.

20 cents or 20 dollars. It all counts and will be very much appreciated đź’“

Maria Marquet's involvement (page creator)

Jamie and Norman are our family. I have Armour who is Norman's brother.

Use of funds

Vet Bill's & aftercare. Any surplus raised will be donated to Rottweiler rescue & rehoming NZ.

Latest update

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Near 8 months post op  25 November 2020

Posted by: Jamie Birch

Norm is loving life! The vet told me before Normans surgery “they say dogs are born with an extra leg, as they preform just as good with three.” & my baby is living proof there’s no struggle on three. I can’t thank you all enough for your donations they have helped tremendously!

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Latest donations

Amanda on 19 Oct 2020
Hes beautitul, all the best. Pets bring so much joy.
Mercedes on 17 Sep 2020
Vikki on 28 May 2020
Lil on 05 May 2020
Pets are everything xx
Shiree on 05 May 2020

Who's involved?

Maria Marquet's avatar
Created by Maria Marquet
Jamie Birch's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jamie Birch
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This campaign started on 3 Apr 2020 and ended on 3 Apr 2021.