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Three legged Rottweiler to be...

  • Near 8 months post op

      25 November 2020
    Posted by: Jamie Birch
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    Norm is loving life! The vet told me before Normans surgery “they say dogs are born with an extra leg, as they preform just as good with three.” & my baby is living proof there’s no struggle on three. I can’t thank you all enough for your donations they have helped tremendously!

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  • 8 Weeks post-op

      4 June 2020
    Posted by: Jamie Birch
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    Hi guys, Norman is coping so well being a tripawed, it is honestly like he never misses his fourth leg. He does have the odd slip & trip but nothing major, he always manages to correct himself. He had to go on another round of gabapentin about two weeks ago due to having phantom pains and they were causing him some grief, although he was only prescribed a weeks supply and ever since he has been great, not one phantom so fingers crossed he stays this way. But I am prepared to accept that it may happen again in the future. Thank you to every one of Norman’s supporters, I really appreciate the love from you all.

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  • Norman update - Day 6

      14 April 2020
    Posted by: Jamie Birch
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    Norm is doing really well, healing fantastic, no swelling or bruising or any sign of infection which is amazing. He has been quiet the past two days, been sleeping a lot, still eating and drinking just hard to get him up and about but vet is happy with how he is doing. Norman started having phantom pains quite badly on Saturday, they still happen every now and again but not as bad as when they first started. His vet has prescribed him with meds today to help with the phantoms so hopefully this will start to help. He is fine with his balance & getting up and down, going toilet, even gets up on the couch every now and again. I am very proud of my baby boy 💞

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  • Norman’s surgery progress

      9 April 2020
    Posted by: Jamie Birch
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    Norman is doing well, surgery took longer than expected but all is well and no complications. Norm came out of surgery at 12:30pm 8/4/20 was under for 2.5hours. The vet and I (Jamie, Norms mumma) decided that it would be best to send Norman in to an after-hours clinic as the surgery was a big one, so we done that. I picked Norman up at 6:30pm, he was sitting up and showing progress but obviously still in a lot of pain which is why we made the decision to send him in to after-hours for proper pain relief. I couldn’t sleep tonight so rang the clinic for an update and he has been outside to do his business, he managed to take a few steps which is amazing 🙏🏼 & he seems to be doing well, keeping in mind he is on some bloody good pain relief at this stage. If all is well in the morning I can bring my Normy home at 7:30am, otherwise he will be transferring back to his regular clinic, I thank you all so much for your support and generosity 💞

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