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Topp Twins Cancer Support Fund

on 15 Aug 2022

Emma asks

Hi Mary, I recently made a Camp Mother Camp Leader rug by hand, which is designed to be hung on the wall (see picture here: . I was thinking I could run an auction on Trade Me with the money going to this Give a Little fund, or to the Breast Cancer Foundation. It looks like this fund was going to be closed on 30th July so thought I would check if there's still a need. Thanks for your help.

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on 3 Apr 2022

Fran asks

That should have read much love to you all! 💜💟

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on 3 Apr 2022

Fran asks

Hi Mary

Thank you so much for ll your love friendship compassion and caring in setting this up for Lynda and Jools. Can you please let me know how I can keep up to date with things. I saw it somewhere and can't find it. Much to you all.



You can follow the Twins on their facebook page where they will regularly post updates. Otherwise we will put out updates here on the givealittle page while it is live. You can also check out their website



Mary Massara
on 30 Mar 2022

Kim asks

Hi Mary -- I have a small business that all the profits go to children with Cancer. Its called Mischievous Monkeys NZ and is on FB. I would love to make Jools and Linda both a monkey if you could please help me with an address that they can be posted to? I am happy to post them both to you if you can forward them on. Please let me know if this is possible. Something that might give them both comfort while going through treatment. Kim


Hi Kim,

Thank you so much for your note and offer to send a Mischievous Monkey to the twins. Your monkeys are adorable and we applaud your efforts. Please give to the children as needed and we will share your page on ours in support. No need to post them - your thoughts are gift enough xxx

Warm regards,

Mary on behalf of the Topp Twins

Mary Massara

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