Tove needs help

$6,360 donated
Given by 103 generous donors in over a year

Toves needing help to lift the costs of her medical care off her shoulders. Her disability was caused by medical neglect


Hi there,

I'm creating this fundraising page for my forster mother Tove.

Tove frequently goes to the ends of the earth for the people she cares about She needs to have surgery every 2 months due to sexual assault and trauma, each surgery she has seems so reveal something new that needs to be repaired.

The assault exacerbated some underlying conditions such as endometriosis and PCOS

Doctors and specialists kept dismissing her as she has an extensive medical history (her first surgery was around 6 years old) being called a "too complex case", has CMT; A degenerative condition causing muscle wastage, tendon atrophy and nerve death, starting in hands and feet, creeping up the limbs and her alternative appearance, eg tattoos, piercings and bright dyed hair.

She was bounced around different apartments in the healthcare system before, luckily with determination and not wanting to quit she's found a really good GP and surgeon who try so hard to ease her pain, but sadly due to being medically neglected, her condition as irreversible.

The money raised through this page will be going towards transport to and from hospital/ GP appointments and specialty dietary foods.

Winz isn't doing enough for her.

She's a single mother, chronically ill and unable to work but yet she advocates for survivors of sexual and domestic violence, young trans and queer people and really just anyone who needs help.

If you call and ask her for help she'd move hell or high water to help get the care you need.

Here is a link to her Vice article that shows some of her work despite massive mental and physical trauma.

A trigger warning though, this mentions being sexually, physically, emotionally and mentally abused.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you can help by either donating or spreading this link around

Silas Irwin's involvement (page creator)

Tove is my foster mum, she is incredibly giving and kind. She needs to have surgery every 2 months and the costs are building up

Use of funds

The funds will be used for travel costs to GP and surgical appointments, specialty dietary foods and support with costs relating to raising a child while helping the people she knows who needs support

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Latest update

Update from Tove  12 January 2022

So I finally got my next surgery date. Friday 21st January. They've warned me it'll be a pretty big one, that I'll be in a LOT of pain, and that I HAVE to stay in hospital about a week. My surgeon was like, I know you hate hospital, I know you tend to discharge early because you think you'll be fine, but you have to promise not to do that this time... not that I think you'll be in any state too, you still have to promise not to leave until I personally discharge you. Joy.

Its been a really rough few months, the pain has increased to the point I barely sleep or eat. I've also had massive problems with my GP, as my incredible dr has gone on study leave and so I've been dealing with a bunch of different, highly judgmental new doctors who refuse to read my history, my notes, listen to me. I've been having to go in several times a week, explaining things over and over, and getting charged for every mistake they make. It's been hell, and I'm really struggling. I'm in huge debt and I'm also struggling to support the many people who rely on me. The community work I do is what keeps me sane, helping those in shit situations is so important to me and I hate that I can't do that as much as I need too.

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Latest donations

Amber on 19 Jan 2022
I'm really sorry bad shit happens to decent people
Alana on 19 Jan 2022
Aquila on 16 Jan 2022
Hope this helps! Sorry I don't get to come hang as much as I would like to, but you deserve a lot for what you do for other people. <3
Bridget on 04 Dec 2021
Just a little to help you with your medical expenses I hope surgeries can help you get your life back
Izabela on 04 Dec 2021
I hope that healing comes to you.

Who's involved?

Silas Irwin's avatar
Created by Silas Irwin
Tove Partington's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Tove Partington
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This campaign started on 26 Jan 2021 and ended on 12 Apr 2022.