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Trev Ponting needs our help making life count.

  • Back home with the Family

      2 April 2020
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    Well with all this madness happening around the world, I got some good news.

    Trev is now back in Niseko with his Wife Aiko and 2 kids, Mia & Toa.

    Trev had scans before heading home and the results are good. The first stage of Chemo and radio has definitely helped reduce the remaining tumours. This is very positive. Now Trev will start stage 2 of treatment close to home as he longer needs to be hospitalised full time.

    Unbelievably, Trev briefly managed to get back on His snowboard a few days ago. Feeling fit from the huge amounts of physio over the last 4 weeks, while on snow he realised just how much his life has changed. I’m so happy bloody happy for Trev, making the most of life. Our last call was cut short as he was needed outside to help Mia climb and snowboard down the man made snowy mountain in the yard. Was so good to see Trev back with his family.

    So for now, big T is super happy to be back at home with his family and ready for the next stage and ready to continue to fight it full steam!!


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  • Hospital Onsen

      10 March 2020

    12 days to go for Trevor’s first round of Chemo and Radiation. I had a great lengthy chat to Trev today. He’s a machine. So committed and positive. Such an inspiration.

    He’s been in hospital for pretty much 6 weeks now and has now been placed in a share room and was not informed of a few things. They got talking and then his room mate said, “I’m off for a bath”. Trev was like... say what? To say the least Trev was ecstatic. Happy to have a soak. Now a daily. Nothing like an Onsen.

    Once stage 1 of Chemo/radiation is done, Trev will have more scans. These scans will

    Show how the remaining tumours have reacted to the treatment.

    All going well, Trev will move back home to Niseko in 2 weeks to be with Aiko and his 2 kids. Then start stage 2 at the local clinic/hospital.

    Next update will be post scans.

    Thanks again to everyone out there who has donated. Need to pass on A huge thanks to Joel and Sam for their work putting on an event in Niseko Japan and raising $8000.

    So much love out there for Trev and his family.


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  • Visitors

      24 February 2020
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    A few pictures from Trev’s visitors.

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  • The recovery road

      24 February 2020
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    I’m blown away with how many generous people have contributed to Trev’s fundraising campaign. Also all the other fundraisers and working bees. Thank you everyone.

    Great to see friends visiting Trev in Sapporo Hospital over the last couple weeks.

    Trev is doing really well with his recovery. Currently in a full on Chemo and radiation program, he is having positive results.

    Let’s say he is keeping his Occupational therapists very busy and making lots of friends along the way.

    Once Stage 1 of Chemo and radiation is done Trev will have more scans to reveal how the treatment is working for him. Like all of you, we are hoping for great results.

    Keep on fighting Trev. Your a true inspiration bro.

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  • A message from Trev’s sister Yvonne

      16 February 2020

    Hi everyone 😊 I’ve just got off the phone to Mum, who is in tears due to being so very grateful and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support for Trev and all of us!! She’s not up with the technology side of things and so she has asked me to let you all know how much it has meant to her, Dad, Jimi, Trev and I, that you’re all there for him! You’ve made this horrible thing so much more bearable, especially as Trev is so far away! She (we) can’t thank you all enough and we just have one small favour to ask - please share this message of thanks to all of Trev’s friends and supporters on our behalf please. Mum really wants her message of gratitude to reach everyone! And when Trev is well enough to get home, there’ll be one hell of a party that you’ll all be invited to and hopefully we’ll be able to thank you in person!! Much love, Lin, John, Yvonne & Jimi 💖🙏🏼

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  • Turn it up for Trev

      7 February 2020

    Here is a little story from Joel Westcot, a long time friend and fellow snowboarder.

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  • Stable and keen to chat.

      5 February 2020
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    It just goes to show how many lives Trev has touched over the years. Thank you so much everyone.

    As the donations keep rolling in Trev is now stable and resting up well.

    I have been lucky enough, among others to have a call from Trev. He seems to be upbeat and ready to fight. He is healing up well and will start chemo and radiation soon. Aiko and the kids are right there by his side doing everything they can.He really wants to get back to NZ to be with family and friends when possible. I'll keep you all updated as best as poss.

    Always the most positive.......Trev had to mention that the snow season in Hokkaido is a long one and he'd love to ride before the season ends. Lets just take it one step at a time ah big fella.😊

    Trev's good mates in Japan have also been visiting and helping him along as they can.

    Thanks again to each and every one that has donated so far. Big love to you all.


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  • Thank you

      1 February 2020

    Whoa, want a response. Thank you so much for all you kindness, support and generosity you have shown.

    Trevor, Aiko, their 2 kids and family are extremely grateful.

    Today a good crew of family and friends are in Methven cleaning up Trev's yard as it was a little overgrown. Huge thanks to Josh Brown for organising the working bee and thanks to everyone there lending a hand.

    The place looks fantastic.

    The latest update on Trev is that surgery went well to remove the main tumours but unfortunately some were inoperable so once Trev has healed enough from surgery he will start Chemo and Radiation therapy.

    Once again, thank you so much.

    Please share and spread to the word as Trev, Aiko and their kids need all the help they can get.


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