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Help the Mitchells feed, support & house Ukranian refugees in Bulgaria

on 14 Jun 2022

Luke asks

Hi Mitchell, we run a kids new agency for kids by kids. KEA Kids News would love the opportunity to bring your work to life here in New Zealand by interviewing one or two of the Ukraine kids about what their life is like right now. We have done this on zoom before and it was the most powerful story and really illustrated in human terms what children are going through. We are published on TVNZ and the front page of the biggest news site in NZ. Luke Nola - Founder Kea Kids News.


HI Luke,

Sorry for the delay in replying. I ahve been travelling for work.

The family we took into our care have chosen to go home and are now in Kyiv and we have moved on to helping other families and young adults get housing and work, but they arent kids. Currently our funds are paying for an apartment for two 19 year olds that had to leave to find work to help their family. They are preparing to move to Canada, and just yesterday I helped relocate a 23 year old young girl to Sofia where we are now helping her get a job.

In terms of young kids though I am working very closely with a small NGO here called "For the Good" ( / These ladies have been involved with helping children from day one and run day care centers.

I will be back at the start of July and will sit down with Kremena the head of the NGO. The difficulty will be finding children that speak English. What ages are you wanting to speak to?

Jared Mitchell
on 17 Mar 2022

Doug asks

Good morning Jared. I would like to donate to this page. Could you please assure me that all funds raised on this platform will be used directly to provide tangible and practical assistance to these lovely Ukrainian people suffering so terribly, and that it won’t be mixed the other funding purposes of the “Open Doors” organisation? Thanks, Doug Leggett


Hi Doug. I understand your concern. The money will go directly to helping the people from the Ukraine here in Bulgaria. I am 50% through building our own site where I will provide transparent accounting of what the cash is used for

On Saturday I went with two of the girls staying with us and filled up our car with the essentials. Please note that we did drop this down to teh center that is being jointly run by NGO's, Open Doors and others that are providing this food etc directly to those getting off buses.

Ideally with enough we would like to take on the part of paying for the temporary shelter that they are organizing - as a big problem is people showing up late and night with now housing to be placed in.

What I can 100% promise is that every cent will go to directly helping with essentials / helping displaced Ukranians pay their rent and utils. Zero $$ will be used for admin overhead

Jared Mitchell

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