If we can fundraise with as much strength and determination as Angel has is in fighting this!!
Glen Eden, Auckland
Hello, So here we go again. Firstly I want to thank everyone that has donated already! You all helped her produce these amazing results! As you can all see in my last update Ang is doing really well, but she still has a long way to go. This page has already raised $18,360 and along with 2 other private donors we were able to get her 3 months worth of this unfunded treatment which was about $54,000 (She only has one treatment to go for cetuximab). We have asked her doctor weather he recommends her having more cetuximab treatment, his reply was that he can’t tell us which one is doing what and which one is working better (chemo or cetuximab ) but as we can see the combination of the 2 is clearly working well. Treatment can now be made per cycle which is $3,295. With cetuximab , chemo her determination along with positivity she is already producing amazing results, showing us that miracles can happen! Emma and Mitch need her to, I need her to, we all need her to keep fighting, If she can produce 2 more scan results like her last one then her doctor has said that we could look at doing something outside the box and to do that she needs more cetuximab treatment. Unfortunately though Ang has had 1 of the worst side affects of chemotherapy, and is losing her hair, to buy a wig that looks natural is not cheap so we would also like to be able to fundraise $1,000 to help her to help her with this. Once again thank you so much to those who have already donated!
For treatment (cetuximab or bevacizumab) that is not funded in NZ and has good success rates at a longer and better quality of life.
If her body can’t cope with the treatment then the money will be used to allow her partner to take time off work so they can all spend time together.
Funds will also be used for her to buy a wig.
Angela is already producing results her doctor has never seen before!! 20 March 2023
Hi, it literally puts me on cloud 9 to be able to write this update. It’s good to have some excellent news, and be on the path to hopefully possibly getting that miracle outcome! When you have cancer you get a scan every 3months to see if the treatments working etc. Angela had hers about a month ago and we got the results about 2 weeks ago but we only got the picture’s of her liver from when she first got diagnosed and then one after 3 months of treatment last week. Firstly her biggest liver lesion was 6.7cm, it's now 3.5cm!! Angela has the same doctor for chemo at Auckland hospital and then for Cetuximab at Harbour care. He is also the head of the oncology department at Auckland hospital. So when he showed us the first scan from when she first got diagnosed he said he has never seen a scan result like that in a person that’s still alive before!! Then when he showed us the scan she just had he said he has never seen results like that before!! I am so proud of her and it shows how much of an incredibly strong person she is!! She was told that if she gets another 2 scan results like this one then we could possibly look at doing something outside the box! This would not have been possible if it wasn’t for all of you amazing people who kindly donated some money to enable her to have this treatment, Thank you so very much! The photo on the right is when she first got diagnosed and the one on the right is after 3 months of treatment. Absolutely amazing!! I can’t even begin to thank you all enough!! You are all absolutely amazing!! ( sorry this update is so late but I didn’t think I could do an update once the page is closed.)