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UpStage's 10th Birthday

$400 of $5,000 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in around 3 months

On 9 January 2004, UpStage was released into the world as a platform for cyberformance (live online performance). Now, we invite you to joi


UpStage has given an enormous amount - six online festivals featuring hundreds of artists; regular online walk-throughs; workshops, presentations and performances. UpStage has opened the minds of children, artists, audiences and researchers to the possibilities of online creativity.

Now you can give something back: give UpStage a birthday present - surprise us with your donation and make the celebrations amazing!

About us

UpStage enables creative collaboration across geographic and cultural differences; from school children to established artists, in NZ and around the world - the UpStage community uses the internet to collaborate on innovative participatory performances and events.

Latest donations

Sheila Bishop
Sheila Bishop on 23 Nov 2013
gabi on 15 Nov 2013
Hope to see many interesting performances
Andrea Ass
Andrea Ass on 15 Nov 2013
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, UpStage!
Ale on 13 Nov 2013
Looking forward to the next 10 years! :) Good luck!!!
Rachelle Viader Knowles
Rachelle Viader Knowles on 16 Oct 2013
Proud to support your incredible, innovative, inspiring work.

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, UpStage (Charity)
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This campaign started on 22 Oct 2013 and ended on 22 Jan 2014.