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Urgent Cardiac MRI needed

$6,060 of $10,000 goal
Given by 114 generous donors in around 7 months

Covid Vaccine Injury, Urgent MRI Required


I have been Covid Vaccine injured and there is no help available from ACC.

I have already had a Coronary Angiogram that took 18 months waiting on the public system. The results of that are that I probably have Myocarditis caused by the vaccine. 3 independent Cardiologists agree with this.

The Cardiologist that performed the Angiogram has put me on the public waitlist for MRI. I have been on that list for 5 weeks and after I called to follow up on the progress and expected wait time, I was told I am still on a list waiting to be triaged. So that means I am on a waiting list, to be put on the waiting list.

My Cardiologist said that waitlist is between 12 - 18 months.

ACC refuses to cover vaccine injured people (contrary to popular misconception and contrary to what many politicians have been telling us over the last few years).

If I can raise the funds for this procedure, I can have it done in a weeks time, not 18 months. (not a typo, 7 days instead of 18 months).

So that is why I am reaching out for help. The government promised us the vaccine is safe, so I took all three shots. But now I am left to fend for myself and cover the costs of my own health care.

I now cannot get any kind of private health care because of my symptoms, but the symptoms are not enough for ACC to cover my health care costs.

So I'm caught in no mans land.

This is a true story. But hard to believe that this is the way Covid injured victims are treated in New Zealand.

Any help would graciously be accepted.

Use of funds

MRI, travel, 1 nights accomodation.

Update 28/12/2023-

Further funds raised will be used for hypabaric oxygen therapy, further MRI's and travel associated, appointment with a neurologist and an immunologist, supplements, blood/urine tests and any further privately funded healthcare costs. I am looking into possible overseas treatments too.

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ACC to revoke cover after 6 days.  20 February 2024

I just wanted to update you on the utterly mind-blowing journey I have had with ACC and trying to get basic medical help. After approving my claim for Myocarditis on 31 Jan, my case manager said the next day that all the Givealittle donations would be deducted from any ACC payments. (they backtracked on this the following day, but I was devastated they would be so callous to suggest it at all.

I then asked a simple question, ' can I get funding for hypobaric oxygen therapy'. A simple yes or no question I thought. This prompted a response from an ACC cardiologist who is now questioning my own cardiologist report and clearly trying to look for reasons to revoke my claim. Including commenting that I used to be a smoker. (I quit 15 years ago). So ACC took 2 years of fighting to accept my claim, and 6 days to start trying to reverse their decision.

This is only for myocarditis. the Neurologist and Immunologists consults I had this week were $550 and $580 each. ACC have refused to pay these even though they asked me to find my own specialist referrals and diagnosis.

Non of my time taken battling this for 2 years has been spent getting any actual healthcare. It has 95% been spent on working with healthcare providers to tick the boxes for ACC. It is crazy the world we live in and the state of our healthcare services. Particularly ACC.

I have found an advocate/lawyer to try and help me with this, but god only knows how much that will cost me.

Nobody should have to live like this.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Feb 2024
Mary on 07 Feb 2024
Best wishes John.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Feb 2024
Andrew on 07 Feb 2024
Christine on 07 Feb 2024
God bless 🙏🏻

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, John Winder
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This campaign started on 2 Nov 2023 and ended on 20 May 2024.