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Urgent Cardiac MRI needed

  • ACC to revoke cover after 6 days.

      20 February 2024

    I just wanted to update you on the utterly mind-blowing journey I have had with ACC and trying to get basic medical help. After approving my claim for Myocarditis on 31 Jan, my case manager said the next day that all the Givealittle donations would be deducted from any ACC payments. (they backtracked on this the following day, but I was devastated they would be so callous to suggest it at all.

    I then asked a simple question, ' can I get funding for hypobaric oxygen therapy'. A simple yes or no question I thought. This prompted a response from an ACC cardiologist who is now questioning my own cardiologist report and clearly trying to look for reasons to revoke my claim. Including commenting that I used to be a smoker. (I quit 15 years ago). So ACC took 2 years of fighting to accept my claim, and 6 days to start trying to reverse their decision.

    This is only for myocarditis. the Neurologist and Immunologists consults I had this week were $550 and $580 each. ACC have refused to pay these even though they asked me to find my own specialist referrals and diagnosis.

    Non of my time taken battling this for 2 years has been spent getting any actual healthcare. It has 95% been spent on working with healthcare providers to tick the boxes for ACC. It is crazy the world we live in and the state of our healthcare services. Particularly ACC.

    I have found an advocate/lawyer to try and help me with this, but god only knows how much that will cost me.

    Nobody should have to live like this.

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  • Battle won, war still fighting

      3 February 2024

    I finally got my approval yesterday from ACC for acute myocarditis.

    I could not have done it without your help.

    ACC’s kneejerk response after giving the approval, was to tell me any payout would have to take into account all your kind donations.

    They wanted to deduct all your kind donations from my payouts.

    I stayed calm, I asked them to talk to a team leader and reconsider.

    They replied a day later saying they will make an exemption for me.

    I needed to tell you all that. This is what I have been dealing with for 2 years. On a daily basis.

    There is no need to congratulate or applaud my success, congratulations are not in order. My fight, my win has got me back to zero. A place any human should be as ‘normal’. That the healthcare system will now look after me for my heart condition( I think it’s in curable but that’s not the point here).

    My next battle is to find out what is wrong with my head.

    It’s going to be the same thing all over( my heart condition will not pay for my neurological damage.

    But once again I want to thank you all for you help in this battle, stay tuned for the next episode in this war.

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    • 06/02/2024 by Cath

      I know someone who used to work for ACC. I showed her your post. She said that the only deductions ACC can make from the back pay are if a person had any work earnings during that time. Also that ACC has to reimburse the cost of any rehab, scans, doctor's visits etc related to the injury that the injured person incurred before the claim was accepted. Also, ACC should be approving these heart MRI's at the start to help determine whether the heart issue is ACC related in the same way ACC refers someone for a shoulder MRI to see if their shoulder problems are actually injury related. This claim that they have given you an 'exemption' seems highly suspect.

  • And on the Saga goes...

      27 December 2023

    Hi, I just wanted to update. Its a highly bizare situation that I find myself in that I have the MRI, but no cardiologist or GP anymore. Its taken me a few weeks to process this. I am now searching for specialists overseas. Thailand/ Mexico/ Philippines etc. There is a private therapist in Wanaka that is suggesting Hypobaric oxygen therapy and a hospital in Mexico that does step cell research. Im nearly 2 years into this and it is a full time admin job. Everyday I spend at least 4 hours in front of my computer (banging my head). I still have not even had a discussion with anyone about my neurological problems.

    It feels unreal to be writing these words.

    I will update if I get any response from the overseas hospitals.

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    • 30/12/2023 by Jonathan

      Keep up the good fight, you'll get there. Thoughts are with you.

  • Results Update

      16 December 2023

    So I have had my MRI, and the results have been sent. And they are very disappointing. They say 'Probable Myocarditis ?'.

    When I followed up with this both with the cardiologist and the Lab who did the test's, they finally admitted to me (after a lot of pressure for a plain English answer from me), that health care providers in NZ are reluctant (and afraid) to put anything in writing that confirms a vaccine / injury connection.

    However they are happy to talk on the phone or in person (some of them).

    So I am back to square one, looking for another cardiologist that is prepared to put his name to a written diagnosis and work on a treatment plan with me.

    This is exhausting, but I have to keep trying. At least I have a high quality MRI for someone to analyse for me.

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  • Thanks

      13 December 2023

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm overwhelmed by the incredible support on my Givealittle page, raising over $4,000 in just 12 hours. Your generosity will make a significant impact in covering medical expenses that ACC and the public health system has refused.

    As an introvert, it wasn't easy for me to share my vaccine injury story, but the response has been heartening. The health forum community's unwavering support has been a lifeline during my two-year struggle, highlighting their dedication compared to the apparent inaction from elected representatives.

    Your donations not only address my immediate costs but exceeded my expectations, allowing for upcoming healthcare needs, including neurology and immunology consultations. This unexpected generosity strengthens my commitment to share my journey and information about Covid vaccine injuries.

    Thank you for renewing my faith in strangers. I promise any surplus funds willcontribute to my ongoing healthcare needs, and I'll keep you updated on my progress.

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  • MRI result

      8 December 2023

    So I got the results of the MRI today. I have myocarditis. This news still has not sunk in.

    And the waitlist (when I eventually got the appointment through the public system, was 84 weeks, plus the 8 weeks I waited for the appointment)

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