Topical Steroid Withdrawal and severe Atopic Dermatitis - A lifetime of struggle.

$625 of $5,000 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in around 6 months

Topical steroid withdrawal sufferer looking assistance with private medical costs

Christchurch, Canterbury

I've struggled with severe Eczema, atopic dermatitis and now Topical Steroid addiction all my life.

I also have anxiety and depression.

I am a very private and quiet person and have always really struggled to ask for help.

I wish to try private medical care, an endocrinologist at least to start with. Topical Steroid Withdrawal is not recognized by most GPs yet.

I also need to find a new home as my home of nearly 10 years has become too unhealthy for me and it also recently got sold and even though I don't have a set date to leave, I still do need a new home eventually.

Use of funds

Any donations will be put towards medical costs and a bond and any appliances or equipment necessary for trying to work towards a more independent and normal life again.

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Latest update

A huge THANK YOU!!  25 September 2022

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to my boyfriend and friends who have supported me so far. It's not easy when you are half a world away but they have been so wonderful to me and I am very grateful. Thank you xxx

I am 6 months steroid, dairy and egg free now.

I recently had my *coughs 40th* birthday and treated myself to a birthday dinner of cheesy lasagne and a vegan carrot cake but with cream cheese icing (ironic I know) and I experienced intense itching for the follow couple of days. It was an educational experience.

If you are curious about Topical Steroid Withdrawal please pop along to the ITSAN website at

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Jeff AKA Bushybeard
Jeff AKA Bushybeard on 15 Nov 2022
more of that sweet sweet dixper money!
Jeff AKA Bushybeard
Jeff AKA Bushybeard on 14 Oct 2022
been running a fundraiser with dixper the last month for you and this is what I have earned, Wish I could do more, also i would like to give a HUGE shoutout to Aze and Kevin for their huge generosity in making this possible
Anna on 04 Oct 2022
Bob and Anna
Bob and Anna on 03 Oct 2022
I hope this helps you very much. Love Bob and Anna
Anna And Bob
Anna And Bob on 03 Oct 2022
hope this helps a little bit love ya from Anna And Bob

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sharon powe's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, sharon powe
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This campaign started on 15 Sep 2022 and ended on 15 Mar 2023.