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Topical Steroid Withdrawal and severe Atopic Dermatitis - A lifetime of struggle.

  • A huge THANK YOU!!

      25 September 2022

    I want to say a huge THANK YOU to my boyfriend and friends who have supported me so far. It's not easy when you are half a world away but they have been so wonderful to me and I am very grateful. Thank you xxx

    I am 6 months steroid, dairy and egg free now.

    I recently had my *coughs 40th* birthday and treated myself to a birthday dinner of cheesy lasagne and a vegan carrot cake but with cream cheese icing (ironic I know) and I experienced intense itching for the follow couple of days. It was an educational experience.

    If you are curious about Topical Steroid Withdrawal please pop along to the ITSAN website at

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