Support for Stephen & Tristan as they carry on without their Lovely Lisa

$14,947 donated
Given by 270 generous donors in over a year

HEARTBREAK for Lisas amazing supportive husband. Lisa left him & their wee boy peacefully last night wrapped in Stephens arms.


At about 6.20 last night 4.5.16 a beautiful, sparkly young woman slipped peacefully away whilst wrapped in the arms of her incredible husband.

Lisa has touched so many lives and has now gone to be with her saviour where she will be healthy and whole again.

Please continue to share this link and donate for Stephen and his little son Tristan as they struggle to come to terms without their soulmate, best friend and Mummy.


This evil cancer is just ravaging my beautiful friend!

In just four weeks her liver has gone from a 1/4 affected to nearly all. Chemo is now no longer an option as it has stopped working.

Lisa and Stephen are working closely with hospice to manage her dreadful pain & other symptoms.

The new prognosis is a few weeks to 2 short months.

Lisa is sadly so weary and drowsy from the very strong pain meds that she needs to take frequent naps to recharge. When she should be able to enjoy every second of every day she is forced to rest.

Please help me get this page moving again to support this young family in their time of need.

Thank you.



The cancer has progressed so rapidly that Lisa has been dealt a very cruel blow today and been told she only has 2-4 months to live. How does a

young woman get her head around that?? How does her always positive husband deal with it?

There is now a few tumours on her liver and a new growth behind her pancreas causing unbearable pain.

Vitamin C may be out of the question as her oncologist said it can crystalise in the kidney and do more harm than good.

Please donate so this young couple can have less stress in the next few precious months as Stephen resigned today so he can spend all his time with Lis and Tristan. If we can take away some money pressures - it's the very least we can do.

Thank you so much.



Lisa was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2013 and had surgeries, chemo & radiotherapy which all finished in July 2014.

She then got on with life, got a new job that she loves and focused on herself, her husband Stephen (Dobbie) & their 3 year old son Tristan.

She was heartbreakingly diagnosed with secondary cancer in her kidney early 2015 around the same time she turned 33.

This was classed as incurable, which means it will never go away.

She started oral chemo but when she had her next scan the tumour in her kidney had grown to 5.5 cm and another tumour of 2.5cm was also discovered in her liver. She then started to get severe pain and was put on morphine after a trip to A & E.

She was put back on intravenous chemo which meant getting her portacath re-inserted (she had had this removed a week before being re-diagnosed!!)

She has just had some good results from her latest scan that showed her tumours & lymph nodes have shrunk.

She is now hoping that when her current round of chemotherapy ends in March/April, she will get some more good scan results and be able to take a break from chemo. This will give her body a bit of a rest and time to try the Intravenous Vitamin C treatment, that we have heard good reports on.

This costs around $2000 to start up & $200-400/week thereafter. There is also the petrol for trips to Gore from Dunedin for the treatment, although we are looking into the possibility of it being administered in Dunedin.

If you would like to "give a little", I know Lisa would be so grateful and humbled.

Delwyn Short's involvement (page creator)

I'm involved in this because I want to help Lisa's boys in any way I can. Previoisly called "Vitamin C for Lisa D"

Lisa and I met during our treatments for breast cancer at a 'Look Good Feel Better" day and hit it off straight away.

Sadly at just 34 she has been taken from us so the support now turns to Stephen and Tristan.

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25.7.16 - 12 weeks on Wednesday since we lost Lisa  25 July 2016

I would like to thank all of you - 290 people - who kindly donated to this Givealittle page in support of the Dobsons, raising nearly $15000.

My beautiful friend Lisa was so touched, amazed and brought to tears by the kindness and generosity of friends, family and strangers.

We have decided to close the page off as Stephen feels it's time.

He and Tristan are doing ok. They are, of course still desperately missing their lovely girl but together they are getting through it. Day by day.

So, a final word from me is thank you from the bottom of my heart and remember there are still loads of very good and kind people around. "Pay it forward" as it will come back to you in one way or another.

God bless

Delwyn. xxx

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 May 2016
Delwyn Short

Thank you for your support.

Delwyn Short
South Otago Town and Country Club
South Otago Town and Country Club on 13 May 2016
Delwyn Short

Oh wow this is so awesome. Thank you for your kindness!!!

Delwyn Short
Iron Butterfly Jewellery/Kelly Lawton
Iron Butterfly Jewellery/Kelly Lawton on 12 May 2016
This donation is on behalf of all our amazing customers who purchased pendants through a fundraising deal to raise money for Lisa, Stephen and Tristan. Lisa, we do hope that you are flying free without pain and only wish you had been here a little longer to spend more time with your husband and son. Stephen and Tristan - we do hope that this donation will help in some way to support you both during this time. Our thoughts are with you.
Delwyn Short

This is wonderful. Thank you Kelly for your hard work getting this done for The Dobsons. Xx

Delwyn Short
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 May 2016
Delwyn Short

Thank you so much for your support!!

Delwyn Short
Josie Salla
Josie Salla on 10 May 2016
So sad to hear Lisa has passed away. Sending much love to her boys .
Delwyn Short

Thank you so very much Josie. Love ya. Xxx

Delwyn Short

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Delwyn Short's avatar
Created by Delwyn Short
Stephen Dobson's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Stephen Dobson
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This campaign started on 8 Jan 2016 and ended on 31 Mar 2017.