12 August 2021A massive thank you to Eden and Beau from Fine Finishes Concrete for your generous donation towards the community playground.
Our Tamariki really appreciate your support!!
A massive thank you to Eden and Beau from Fine Finishes Concrete for your generous donation towards the community playground.
Our Tamariki really appreciate your support!!
We have received news from Mitre 10 Waihi that they will contribute $718.00 towards the materials needed to complete the 35m2 sandpit that will form part of the community playground.
Thank you Mitre 10 Waihi for your support and generosity!!
We have received confirmation today from Firth Industries, that they will donate $880.00 to cover the the cost of the concrete for the edging of the new sand pit that forms part of the community playground.
Thanks to the team at Firth for your generosity and support of our project!
We received a donation from Clay Construction for $1200.00 that will be put towards the community playground!
Thanks so much for your support!
Our Kura today has been lucky enough to secure sponsorship of $2,000.00 to cover the cost of the sand in the new sandpit that forms part of the community playground.
Such an amazing & supportive community that we live in.
Thanks Dennis & the team at Beach Contractors, we love your work!
We put an application into the Lottery Grant Board on 01 March 2021 for 2/3's of the cost of this project.
It is our understanding that a decision meeting would be held in early June 2021.
We are holding our breaths waiting for the outcome of this application. Hopefully we are successful! If not, we will try again, and again, and again.
We were unfortunately unsuccessful with this round of funding.
Whilst disappointing, this does not deter us. There is another round opening up on 07 July 2021, and we will be getting an application again.
We won't stop trying, this playground is going to be epic!