Our vision is to upgrade the current playground into a multi purpose area that children & adults can use for play, exercise and training.
Bay of Plenty
Waihi Beach School currently has an existing Senior Playground that is a Fitness Trail and Obstacle Course which was originally installed in 2001 and is still well used by school children and other children, both living in and visiting the area. It is also used by a lot of adults that use the facilities to complete their daily exercise regime, such as upper body strength training.
Waihi Beach Community does not currently have a recreational area like what is proposed; there are a number of small playgrounds that cater to preschool aged children, such as swings and slides, however nothing that stretches across multiple age groups and can service the whole community. To enjoy facilities such as these, families would have to travel as far afield as Omokoroa, Tauranga or even Hamilton.
When doing research and obtaining feedback from the community in regards to their support for the proposed plan, it was apparent that a facility such as this was in desperate need. Waihi Beach School is located right next to the Community Emergency Meeting Point and in the event of an emergency this new area would be used by families. It is also situated next door to the current skate park, the proposed Mens Shed, Waihi Beach Playcentre, our local WBOP District Library and Service Centre, and the Waihi Beach Community Centre.
Community Groups & Sports Teams
Community groups are regular visitors to our school and by installing these facilities it will benefit them even more. The local gymnastics club that holds their classes at the Community Centre are very excited at the prospect of having trampolines right next to their hall, as this will eliminate them having to meet at individual families houses to do trampoline training for their competitions (like they currently do).
The local Playcentre is excited about getting the children into the new space to explore and learn, enhance their physical development and risky play elements as are the local daycare centres and Kohanga Reo.
Local sports and rep teams are keen to use the obstacle course for agility and strength training and are excited that this can happen alongside their off-season and in-season training that they currently have, on the school field.
Local Iwi
We have consulted with our local hapu, Te Whanau o Tauwhao, of Ngai Te Rangi, who tautoko (support) and endorse our Playground Project.
Specifically with the community in Mind
When designing the playground the community was a major consideration, which is why a picnic table, electric BBQ and bench seats have been included in the plan. The playground has been designed to help children of all ages to challenge themselves physically and mentally, foster social play and development, learn
We are unique
What is quite unique in our area is that our school is open to the public 24 hours a day, as we do not have gates that keep the public off our property, so when ‘school’s out’, everyone is welcome. It is a common sight to see teenagers playing soccer on the field, shooting hoops on our portable basketball hoops, children playing in the native areas around the school, rolling the dozen tractor tyres around the field, people picking strawberries, cherry tomatoes and harvesting sweetcorn from our school vegetable garden, swimming lessons being taken in our school pool, yoga, zumba, and aerobic classes being held either in our school hall or on the turf or field, as well as the local Church group who use our school hall for their Sunday services, just to name a few. It is our goal to ensure all of our community feels welcome at our school, that they use our facilities and create wonderful lifelong memories with their friends and whanau.
Waihi Beach School is a small rural town setting, 15 minutes south of the Waihi and 13 minutes north of Katikati. Founded in 1924 the school catered for a small community, changes from development has increased our population in recent years.
All funds raised will be used to upgrade the current playground on the main field at Waihi Beach School
A massive thank you to Eden and Beau from Fine Finishes Concrete for your generous donation towards the community playground.
Our Tamariki really appreciate your support!!
Thank you so much for your generosity, our Tamariki are eagerly waiting for us to get get this project underway. Please share our page far and wide. Thank you, thank you, thank you
Thank you so much for your support. We can’t wait to get this project underway. Please share our page and share the word!
Thank you so much foe your generosity, our Tamariki really appreciate it. Please feel free to share this page far and wide. This playground is going to be epic because of donors like you!
Thank you so much for your generous donation! We are so so excited to get this project going and every little bits counts.
Thank you much for your generous donation, we appreciate your support!
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