Extra funds for Wassiem and little Alen

$74,456 donated
Given by 1140 generous donors in around 5 months

Raising extra money for Wassiem and Alen


Wassiem has requested us to start this give a little page, to help make sure the family is financially stable in the future.

Here is the situation: (UPDATED JUNE 2019) Wassiem is recovering from gunshot wounds in his hip area, He is now walking.

Alen suffered damage to the brain, but has made miraculous progress, gaining her speech back and is starting to regain eyesight. Please pray for Alen's continuing improvement.

If you would like to donate - you can expect the funds to be kept for supporting the family in future if Wassiem is out of work because of ongoing pain, or if they have to pay money for on-going nursing and assistance for Alen.

Wass' Barbers' involvement (page creator)

Friend of Wassiem's - I help him run his business. Has has requested me to set up this page for him.

Use of funds

You can expect the funds to be kept for supporting the family in future if Wassiem is out of work, or if they have to pay money for on-going nursing and medical care for Alen.

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Latest update

Update from Wasseim   16 August 2019

.Aslam alaykom


Alen has completed her treatment in Auckland and has made some miraculous improvements. My family has returned to our home in Christchurch but we still have a long journey of recovery ahead of us. Alen is still in a wheelchair and will be requiring rehabilitative treatment in hopes of improving her physical conditions. We are aiming to seek specialist treatment in Germany .

Since we come back from Auckland we have Giving notice to leave property or to buy the property So with everything’s been going on and we been very busy I couldn’t get hold of the landlord he have sold the property and we have noticed by the court to leave the house .

In the meantime I have Another to surgery and also I have to focus on my health condition and also my daughter health condition

And also I’m not able to do any work yet because I still have a lot to go through

Thank you so much for your generosity thank you so much for support me and my wife and my family Without this generosity my life would be so much difficult Allah bless you all

Salam alaykom

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Sep 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Sep 2019
I wish them recovery
Caitlin on 06 Sep 2019
Your sweet girl has been in my thoughts so often, I was so happy to hear she has been able to come home from hospital. I wish you and your family all the best as you continue along your journey of healing.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Aug 2019
Stephanie on 20 Aug 2019
Sending you and your family our love and best wishes for your continuing recovery. Arohanui na Robinson Whanau

Who's involved?

Wass' Barbers's avatar
Created by Wass' Barbers (Group)
Wassiem Sati Ali Daragmih's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Wassiem Sati Ali Daragmih
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This campaign started on 11 Apr 2019 and ended on 19 Sep 2019.